Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] being [adj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Pearce lists these as two important qualities for a top manager together with being able to look at a problem and see the two or three key factors .
2 Not only in being able to select a group where perhaps we can justify more aggressive therapy , or even a group that perhaps we should just treat palatally but also in the future with the development of anti- angiogenic therapy .
3 Parties , on the other hand , are the indispensable means for achieving or retaining power and thus for being able to implement and administer , over long periods , complex social policies .
4 It 's it 's not about being able to get rid of them totally and we agree that we need some sort of level of arousal it 's being able to perform despite them to use that arousal to put into an effective presentation , and that 's what this two days is about is getting those butterflies for you to fly in formation .
5 He is being wooed by three counter-arguments : first , that when it comes to big , company-wide computer systems , customers still prefer to buy everything from a single , proven supplier ; second , that mainframes will remain at the heart of many of tomorrow 's systems , in which a network of PCs will be served by a central processor ; and third , that IBM is moving away from being hardware-dominated to become , increasingly , a one-stop-shop for computer consultancy and services .
6 Her job might be one of considerable stress and strain , but she really had been incredibly lucky , Laura told herself , not just in being able to afford to buy a penthouse apartment in this large , architectually prestigious warehouse development beside the river at Wapping , but also in managing to persuade her old school-friend Julie to come and share the apartment with her .
7 They are unfortunately exceeded in number by the famous names of the past who clung to what they knew best without being prepared to adapt or change , and slowly but inexorably saw their business disappearing beneath them .
8 This is rather like being able to draw a straight line tangent at any point on a smooth curve .
9 Aside from being difficult to fit they may interfere with the dog 's restricted breathing abilities .
10 The West should take time off from being Gorbacharmed to think about recent events in Russia 's outer empire and the awkward question they raise : how to undo Europe 's post-1945 division without undoing its post-1945 stability .
11 A NEW study of insulin-dependent diabetes in identical twins has brought doctors closer than ever to being able to predict its development in people thought to be at risk .
12 It is wholly inappropriate to begin to teach adults to learn how to read by using children 's story books when in reality they will be able to relate more to being able to read those by-laws of the state which prevent them from voting .
13 On occasions it has been necessary for members to ‘ walk the pitch ’ and clear up before being able to play .
14 Many processors are examining new packing materials and using them to produce complete meals , which contain potatoes and only need heating up before being ready to eat .
15 Most temperate species tolerate subzero temperatures to one degree or another , initially by avoiding tissue freezing but also by being able to tolerate and contain ice in their tissues .
16 Talking in Leicester this week and last week to groups of black women , some black women are saying I have never thought before about being able to talk about what I am and making up my own mind .
17 This is a move which is to be welcomed , for with greater harmonisation of policies industry will be able to operate more efficiently through being able to plan within an environment of greater certainty , and will be more secure in the knowledge that its domestic and international operations are likely to receive compatible treatment from the respective authorities .
18 Well you got quite a lot out of being able to evaluate .
19 ‘ You certainly live in a splendid spot , ’ Leith struggled up out of being conscience-stricken to remark .
20 But participant observation you stand the best chance really of being able to check the accuracy of what , th they 're telling you in terms of behaviour and wha , and what people say , and what different people say in those situations over the , so you know .
21 For one 's frailties to be known by someone else , someone who does not add their voice to the clamour of internal judgement , is the first step back towards being able to view one 's predicament simultaneously with accuracy and equanimity .
22 That had held me back from being able to grow into a woman really .
23 Far from being reluctant to debate the matter , I have invited the Opposition to take part in four debates on matter days in the Scottish Grand Committee to compensate for their failure to make use of those opportunities in the Scottish Grand Committee during the previous parliamentary Session .
24 These days , however , far from being likely to ignore everyone at a party full of naked birds , Doonican has become king of what has become known as the ‘ light entertainment ’ circuit in the north-east of England .
25 These days , however , far from being likely to ignore everyone at a party full of naked birds , Doonican has become king of what has become known as the ‘ light entertainment ’ circuit in the north-east of England .
26 But , far from being able to greet him like a young girl when he came , she 'd have a job to hide how decrepit she was .
27 Observers noted that Prime Minister Suleyman Demirel appeared far from being able to implement any of the liberal measures towards the Kurds of the south which he had promised on taking office in October 1991 [ see p. 38592 ] .
28 They are fairly small , usually flat against the head , and far from being able to swivel or cock them , we can barely move them .
29 I am not suggesting that it is proven that our motives , reasons and purposes are not themselves reducible to mechanically operating causal factors , as a fully determinist model would have it ; but if that is the case , we are so far from being able to specify these factors that they do not offer a model we can actually work with — as we saw in the discussion of positivist criminology in Chapter 2 .
30 Far from being able to produce enough plutonium to make atomic weapons , however , IAEA experts agreed that the plant was " extremely primitive " and remained a long way from completion .
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