Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] being [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Cases sometimes tread uneasily between being trying to be funny and pointing to serious danger .
2 Being so close to Lord Byron was somewhat like being close to big game — a lion encountered at the foot of Kilimanjaro .
3 But faced suddenly with being alone through bereavement or divorce , or gradually through the natural lessening of family ties and dependency , we may find ourselves feeling very differently , remembering with nostalgia the days when we were so busy , needed and surrounded by others .
4 Every time I have to strike my heart is in my mouth , and although I do not consciously hold back when I strike , I wonder if I am doing so without being aware of it .
5 The quality plan , erm a lot of ticks , but no names , apart from the detailed design drawings and I , we thought that the quality plan , the idea was to pin somebody down to being responsible for each actual item erm .
6 ‘ I 'm sure you 'd get on better by being nice to the girl .
7 Until , like a jet of cold water , she remembered Didi Lombard 's words ; ‘ … you 'd get on better by being nice to the girl … you could have her eating out of your hand . ’
8 It would be just like being asleep in a box .
9 Labour would be acquiescing in a ‘ democratic outrage ’ if it continued arguing that , because the Conservatives had got away with being undemocratic for so long , it was now Labour 's turn .
10 I disliked these two intensely and did n't like being told off for being rude to them , so I told her peevishly that I was n't staying while they were there and kicked off the slippers , put on my clogs and ran out banging the door behind me .
11 A Minister of the Crown told me once of being present at a Cabinet committee meeting when she disagreed with her then chancellor , Nigel Lawson , and sensed that the rest of those present were also against her .
12 Why , Edward wondered , did Brackenbury speak yesterday of being off-duty on Thursday when he must already have been on the point of resigning his post ?
13 It was more like being present at a seance than at a lecture .
14 As er you 've not even come close to being involved in anything like it .
15 Run up two dozen stairs or more without being breathless at the top .
16 If you have embarked on this decision , entertaining friends at home may became increasingly difficult too , for your parent may look forward always to being present on these occasions , without realising for one moment that her daughter needs the opportunity sometimes to be able to relate to her friends alone , so that she can project her personality freely and share confidences and opinions with people of her own generation .
17 ‘ But you must put your feet up and let the younger ones get on with being busy for a change .
18 Nigel Barley 's book is partly about being human within an academic context he sees as largely hypocritical about fieldwork .
19 Although one can speak also of being aware of the value of something , it will be essential to confine our usage to awareness of the existing , of persons , things , events .
20 Although I had n't had as many fish as the bait fishers I was very pleased with the success and the quality and also with being afloat at sea in such idyllic circumstances .
21 I 'm fed up with being different from everyone else .
22 WANTED : FEMALES OVER 16 any size , any shape to write to a bored 19-year-old male who 's fed up with being single for most of the year .
23 Who upset you so much that you are afraid now of being beautiful in case you get hurt again ? ’
24 Yet many of the teachers we interviewed , far from being unaware of this risk , perceived only too clearly that it was inherent to the LEA 's preferred combination of group work and multiple curriculum focus teaching .
25 Far from being unaware of the impact on Scotland of the Scottish Constitutional Convention 's proposals , I am aware that Scotland enjoys identifiable public expenditure 22 per cent .
26 Indeed far from being fearful of continued public objection , local authorities should be more concerned about their ability to be able to keep up with public demand for calming various residential areas once the ideas take off .
27 Far from being typical in the Lukacsian sense of synthesizing the decisive problems of a particular epoch , they degenerate to the level of the " topical " , a fictional means of supplying appropriate , ideologically correct solutions to current political problems .
28 The ambassador reported that " The Emperor is monitoring the serious political illness which has gripped all countries , and believes his empire very far from being immune from infection " ; Nicholas was now of the opinion that " Highly reprehensible principles have been disseminated among young people who completed their university courses around three years ago , among people who have lived abroad for a long time , and also among teachers , professors , writers and journalists .
29 Alcuin was so far from being certain of this standing with Coenwulf that he asked a Mercian patrician — probably the senior Mercian ealdorman Brorda — to greet the king peaceably ‘ if it is possible to do so ’ .
30 Far from being antagonistic to the requirements of society — as was assumed by many theorists — infants are genetically biased towards the social and towards displaying social behaviours .
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