Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] if they [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Many with whom she had shared the screen for a brief while , people whom she had revered , who had even seemed to define life — such as Akhmatova and Pasternak and Vysotsky — had already slipped out of the plot , and the film churned on as if they had never been .
2 They looked rather as if they had just raided an old clothes shop , few of the items of their clothing being a match , and for the most part , fitting only where they touched .
3 Banks also owned equity stakes in their clients , but their real influence came from debt : companies ' big exposure to bank debt gave the lenders control rather as if they held equity .
4 In his wake were two older men in crumpled uniforms , unshaven clumsy fellows , carrying their rifles gingerly as if they feared they might go off unexpectedly .
5 In Arequipa I had watched women in the church of Santo Domingo giggle happily as they dressed the Virgin for a procession ; , behaving much as if they had been preparing a girl for a wedding , not a poor girl though , rather one Velasquez might be called upon to paint .
6 For this one date they were supported by the Billy Harper Trio with Peter Stuart and Adrian Tilbrook on bass and drums and they fitted in as if they 'd all been on tour together .
7 The Renaissance had provided western Europe with a handsome collection of hitherto lost Greek texts , literary , philosophical and historical , to be studied by scholars , admired by the cultivated ( generally in translation ) , and imitated , in part , by contemporary writers ; but insofar as the Renaissance was actually a " rebirth " of anything past , it was predominantly a rebirth of Rome and the spirit of Rome , not of Greece ; and the remains of Greek antiquity were treated , and well into the eighteenth century continued to be treated , largely as if they belonged to some kind of extension of the now assimilated world of Rome .
8 Stereolab always look tonight as if they 've got a few more tricks up their sleeve than anyone else around at the moment , and in an age where recycling the past to create a spurious version of the future is the order of the day , they may well prove to be a benchmark of quality for their times .
9 ‘ I feel women are pushed out of hospital , just as if they 'd had a minor operation , or a very mild illness . ’
10 We all kept our place but we all It was As I said , just as if they gave you credit for what you could do .
11 ‘ It 's just as if they downed tools and pushed off , ’ Forster remarked .
12 Shadows are the absence of light and so do n't exist in themselves , but they are still visible and palpable just as if they did .
13 It 's not as if they get much study done the last week or so anyway . ’
14 However , it 's not as if they 've erected a Chinese Wall .
15 It 's not as if they 've done anything very unusual now , is it ? ’
16 ‘ I like to think passengers leave one of my classes feeling fit and ready for anything , not as if they 've personally helped dig the Channel tunnel !
17 And it 's not as if they made money every time they moved , 'cos they have n't , 'cos they lost money on that 'ouse , there .
18 Chords based on whole-tones can occur in many other systems , even in diatonic harmony ( e.g. the ninth chord G , B , F , A ) , but of course they sound perfectly in place and not as if they have merely been temporarily extracted from the whole-tone system .
19 Scotland have had disruptions to their scrummaging routines this week though , as both McGeechan and Dixon reasoned , it is not as if they have had to fuse any newcomers to the pack , where Peter Wright 's sabbatical to loosehead worked well against the French .
20 It 's not as if they say to their kids : ‘ try to the best of your ability . ’
21 Claire sat down , as they had done so many times together , and the years fell away as if they had never been apart and she had never married .
22 His eyebrows looked permanently as if they had just shot up .
23 Athelstan was always surprised at-the effect he caused ; here he was in a place where man died for the price of a few coins , but at the sight of the lighted wax candle , the sound of the small tinkling bell and him swathed in a cope , the coarsest men and women stood aside as if they acknowledged the great mysteries he carried. ,
24 It can not be right to treat unmarried women who have the support of a partner both as if they had no such support and better than if they were married .
25 The drawing-room was full of rugs that looked upsettingly as if they had been made from earlier Afghans .
26 ‘ What I really need to know is , when can Crevecoeur begin … work ? ’ she said , spitting the words out as if they tasted bad .
27 Under the STV popularity is nevertheless what our MPs would have to go all out for if they wanted to be re-elected .
28 So could go back to if they wanted too .
29 The assassins had walked in here as if they owned the place and destroyed everything .
30 I 'm told they behave here as if they expect their empire to last forever .
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