Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] if [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He thought of the cabin up the creek to which his sister had withdrawn at his urging , and he turned to find the track , willing himself to control his horror , to keep moving nimbly and stealthily as if he did not feel unstrung .
2 You know that I would do it properly for if I had to .
3 I do it without premeditation , as naturally and wearily as if I did it every night .
4 Mark Twain was so impressed he included a description in his work The Innocents Abroad : ‘ I watched the Silver Swan which had a living grace about his movements and a living intelligence in his eyes — watched him swimming about as comfortably and unconcernedly as if he had been born in a morass instead of a jewellers ' shop — watched him seize a silver fish from under the water and hold up his head and go through all the customary and elaborate motions of swallowing it ’ .
5 The interrupted program therefore proceeds with the execution of the instructions at locations n+1 , n+2 , … , etc. as if nothing had happened , until the next interrupt signal is received .
6 Only Mr Rumback walked on as if nothing had happened .
7 The villagers often joked that if she met a German tank on the road to Berkeley , she would order it off the road and pass on as if nothing had happened .
8 Their loss was not reported to police or the royal household — and work carried on as if nothing had happened .
9 ‘ Did you honestly expect me to stay home at the barn and carry on as if nothing had happened after you threw all those accusations at me ?
10 But like I said if it if you , if you do that then it 's for them and for yourself but them being up your arse is irritating if you just fucking carry on as if nothing had happened , but you 're aware of the th them doing that then I think it 's a fucking I 've that 's a psychological edge over them anyway it 's just the personalities obviously , but er
11 Mr Major looks set to soldier on as if nothing has happened , trusting that the improvement in the economy will restore his own , and his party 's , sagging popularity .
12 You just carry on as if nothing 's happened .
13 ‘ You ca n't make love to me like that and then expect me to carry on as if nothing 's happened .
14 Many with whom she had shared the screen for a brief while , people whom she had revered , who had even seemed to define life — such as Akhmatova and Pasternak and Vysotsky — had already slipped out of the plot , and the film churned on as if they had never been .
15 Why , when we all know that loneliness is a paralysing form of human misery , do we go on as if we thought that the deepest need of rational individuals was to be independent of one another ?
16 A pick up a penguin right , great , come on then Jeff say something pardon it did n't pick that up he said bollocks , Jeff just said bollocks , that 's good oh if tonight we would , see me driving along in the car and got that on , oh no , it 'll be really funny , we 're gon na be sitting there going come on as if we 'd said that today
17 Half the time we carry on as if we did n't have a body : and we only think about our bodies if they trouble us — if we 're hungry or in pain .
18 Perhaps it is this bicameral quality in the American mind that lets the citizen read of the all-out official ‘ war on drugs ’ and ‘ war on terrorism ’ on one page , and then turn the page and read of the CIA sharing a bank with Miami cartels and Abu Nidal , and still go on as if he inhabited a ‘ normal world ’ .
19 Another of this weekend 's conventional theses , which was anticipated here , was that of Kinnockian hubris — the possibility that voters went off Mr Kinnock for carrying on as if he had already won .
20 ‘ Most of our gear has been lost , and all your horses , ’ Finnan went on as if he had not heard him .
21 He went on as if he 'd heard nothing .
22 I , I need it to help me to get to Hanley or something like that and , and he does this all the time , and I look at him and I think well you know fancy being like that , surely we 're in a welfare state , there 's no need for that , I do n't know what his circumstances are , he may be homeless , I do n't know where he comes from and he just appears there and he carries on as if he loves the job , and that 's only in this country , but if you go abroad , many of you have been abroad have n't you ?
23 ‘ Grant took it on as if he did it every week and showed a wise old head on young shoulders .
24 There was none of the coy evasion of most women in her , he was thinking ; and went on as if she had not spoken .
25 But he carried on as if she had n't spoken .
26 ‘ Take this as a promise of my intention , ’ he went on as if she had n't spoken , and before she had time to realise what he intended to do , his mouth was on hers , harsh and demanding .
27 She was going on as if she loved the fucking man , not just the fucking !
28 ‘ The whole thing was a perfectly natural mistake , but , thanks to him , they went on as if I 'd just attempted to rob the Bank of England .
29 Do n't go on as if it had happened , ’ he said .
30 We shall carry on as if it has not happened .
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