Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] his [noun sg] ['s] " in BNC.

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1 The thing that worried Nigel most about his son 's affairs was that they made him feel randy .
2 Kit Everard shared his suspicions with Tom Ingledew , who , though he feared terribly for his son 's life , agreed that they should seize the offensive , in secret , and place all their forces on the qui vive that night , in readiness for battle in the morning .
3 Only after his father 's return to England in July do we possess any report of activity on his part .
4 Only after his son 's arrival at his camp did Henry II rouse himself from the passivity of the last month .
5 Where the editor rattled her half dozen strings of large beads and remarked with a toothy grin : ‘ They say it 's the fashion — ’ Where Gerald , the art editor — who was reputed to have a fabulous house on the Chelsea Embankment full of priceless works of art — was so sensitive that he had to have a soundproof office specially built for him , while his assistant Jeremy padded along like his superior 's spaniel , and if Gerald wore a shirt of subtle pink on Monday , his minion would appear in the same shade on Tuesday .
6 Patrick saw something settle down behind his mother 's eyes , something like satisfaction , and the anger that had burned within him since he had discovered the identity of Joseph Hyde 's attackers , turned cold and brittle .
7 Matt chuckled as he regarded Silas with an amused glint in eyes that were so like his nephew 's .
8 Jonesy was still struggling to get out of the grave , and this he managed only with his father 's help , after falling back in once .
9 But Gloucester 's contacts were not only with his brother 's men .
10 But Gloucester 's contacts were not only with his brother 's men .
11 Mozart , then between 14 and 17 , was still very much under his father 's thumb and it was to be another eight years before he broke free from Salzburg , settled in Vienna and married Constanze Weber .
12 Her father had changed greatly with his wife 's death , too .
13 Looking down into his brother 's face , Roy felt the tears come into his eyes .
14 So with his son 's reputation now unequivocally established Leopold may have regarded the time as propitious to secure a position for Mozart at the Viennese court .
15 The lease of Barrington Court in Somerset has been put up for sale by the Trust 's tenant , Mr. Andrew Lyle , along with his family 's surrounding freehold farmland .
16 Around the same time , he took his mother 's many dancing and music medals , together with his father 's accordion , and presented them to the pawnbroker .
17 Their emphasis on the responsibility of the theologian towards the Bible , and on the need for a disciplined hermeneutic which will allow the Bible itself to speak , will be found again , albeit much modified , in the thought of Karl Barth ; as too will Archibald Hodge 's principle that ‘ Christ and his work is the centre around which all Christian theology is brought into order , ’ as he put it on page 16 of the 1878 edition of his Outlines of Theology , which was first published in 1860 , and , together with his father 's Systematic Theology ( 1871 ) , is a classic textbook of the Princeton method .
18 He searched through the desk for various necessary documents that the bureaucratic world would demand to see now that he was returning to it , and took them to the suitcase in the bedroom , together with his agent 's letter .
19 Well before then John Wesley had created an entirely different atmosphere in the British Isles by his wandering ministry , preaching and his publications , which together with his brother 's ( Charles ) hymns , had established a Christian people who were called ‘ Methodists ’ .
20 He also inherited the western part of Aquitaine , which had been added to the kingdom by conquest in 767 , not long before his father 's death .
21 The sublime memory of that first descent into the moist , mossy darkness of the jungle earlier in the day blazed again suddenly in his mind 's eye for a moment , but then his numbness left him in a furious rush and a piercing surge of purity and sweetness flashed through the rank darkness of the hut .
22 Unfortunately he could n't find anything large enough in his wife 's wardrobe .
23 He could see the image clearly enough in his mind 's eye ( since that night no two rememberings had been more than a minute apart ) but even the most basic sketch eluded his hand .
24 At the age of 16 , alone in his uncle 's house in Madurai , he describes how a sudden terror of death overtook him , and he found himself dramatizing the occurrence of death .
25 Even on the assumption that Yusuf Bali did draw up the original and not just the copy , it does not by any means necessarily follow that he was acting as in so doing ; nor , further , does it necessarily follow that if he were acting as he was doing so in his father 's absence from Bursa , much less his absence on the pilgrimage .
26 As long as a man was unfree , he had no access to the royal courts , but could plead only in his lord 's court .
27 His feet hung clear of the stirrups , and he was arched over like a letter G in the saddle ; his reins had slipped down round his horse 's hoofs .
28 He jumped , much to his partner 's relief .
29 Again and again he was at pains to demonstrate to Theo that he did n't live idly on his brother 's money .
30 Taylor wishes that in Sweden he had substituted the frustrated Gary Lineker with the pace of Tony Daley in the second match against France , rather than wait for the third and final game against Sweden to bring the curtain down on his captain 's international career .
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