Example sentences of "[adv] [interj] [pron] [vb mod] n't " in BNC.

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1 But erm I mean , you know , she come in oh I ca n't have her in the morning anyway cos we 're we 're counting in the morning .
2 No I just no I ca n't
3 Yeah but can you imagine cos then like she 'll go out to the pub or something , get drunk and then like someone will come up to her and she 'll be like no I ca n't cos he 's in Saudi Arabia , you know it 'll suddenly er hit her I mean why not , he 'll never know .
4 It wo n't get done though no it wo n't , you 're quite right .
5 Though yeah they wo n't trust more than the once .
6 Well they wo n't no they wo n't they wo n't .
7 Okay now er Garth Brookes my favourite country singer at the moment and er your chance to win this Elvis video okay you have to ring in we 're giving this away first you have to ring in and tell me and tell me the next word no I ca n't do that I ca n't no I ca n't do it 's too easy okay .
8 I ca n't no I ca n't get the Movie Channel .
9 Oh I ca n't No I ca n't see this on this protractor .
10 Please no you should n't
11 Well no they would n't match together but that does n't matter .
12 Well no she should n't be but since going she just suddenly appeared did n't she ?
13 Well no it wo n't .
14 Well no it ca n't Angela ask him somebody ask him , he ca n't just arrive and start doing things .
15 He should say well no I ca n't think of anybody .
16 Well no I ca n't actually ours is this side is n't it ?
17 Oh well no I wo n't do that I 'll just drive round at five mile an hour in front of ya .
18 Yeah , erm okay well I 'll go , I shall be coming back here actually , but er , I 'll take this lot I think now anyway , well no I wo n't I 'll do what I 've got to do here now and then I 'll , I 'll go afterwards
19 No , well no you would n't
20 Well no you would n't but erm I mean we , we obviously do receive press releases
21 Mind you , like I said Stuart I was in the bar and and if I did n't like it I could of gone in the lounge so I mean they could n't ha he would n't have it .
22 Ah well yes I would n't like to be without it now .
23 That 's why I could n't ooh I could n't stand to marry a man that 's drank you know .
24 So she got well yeah she wo n't pay the bloody bill .
25 If you were to say would you compromise your family and work to their detriment , then no I would n't .
26 I du n no you ca n't see his head
27 I du n no I ca n't remember .
28 I du n no I ca n't understand it though !
29 Have to oh shit I du n no I ca n't remember half the fucking conversations I had .
30 Du n no she would n't tell me .
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