Example sentences of "[adv] [Wh det] was [verb] on " in BNC.

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1 Other people were coming up with answers , so what was going on ?
2 So what was going on in the way of entertainments and things like that when you came to ?
3 Such an insider 's account will therefore hopefully achieve the ‘ finer grain and detail ’ MacDonald ( 1987 ) demanded of postmodern ‘ anthropology at home ’ , while ‘ practical mastery ’ of the ethnographic field should reduce the problems faced by McCabe and Sutcliffe ( 1978 ) , who set out to pursue participant observation on the police and found that ‘ it would be necessary for anyone wishing to fully understand the process of policing to take into account the difficulties in gaining access and an understanding of just what was going on ’ .
4 Oh yes , he had done everything possible to find out just what was going on .
5 It was too soon for the operation to be taken away from Cardiff before he found out just what was going on in this hellish office block .
6 She was very tempted to ask just what was going on .
7 The rest were wrapped up in a fog , from drugs or cracked minds , but Anne knew exactly what was going on .
8 And to make sure everybody knew exactly what was going on , planning chiefs held a press conference on the beach , while the SAS-style commandos held a photo-call .
9 When her gynaecologist asked why , she had told him that , apart from her hatred of injections , she wanted to know exactly what was going on .
10 Olwyn was told exactly what was going on : the behaviour her parents were trying to stop and what they were trying to get her to do instead .
11 It was pretty wonderful to be sitting there watching it all and knowing that I was the only person in the whole school who realised exactly what was going on inside the Trunchbull 's pants .
12 The barn where it was held was owned by a local farmer , John Ellis , and if Kate knew anything about it , he had known exactly what was going on .
13 We were coming in , white , black , Indian , they knew exactly what was going on .
14 Joel Swanson did not understand , nor did he ever expect to understand , exactly what was going on , but the kind of activity he seemed to be hearing about , in snatches only , was more or less exactly what he 'd expect from his wife 's relatives .
15 You know when his boss came in then things went downhill but yeah certainly Tom helped me and just the fact that there was someone there who knew exactly what was going on , be it not a lot but , he was trying to help us , and give us advice and what have you .
16 ‘ I slept on it but I still was n't sure exactly what was going on . ’
17 The following day , having asked some leading questions of our local newsagent — Mr Bales always seemed to know exactly what was going on in the terrace and was only too happy to share his knowledge with anyone who wanted to pass the time of day — I presented myself at the offices of John D. Wood in Mount Street .
18 Help , she told him , and most of all they wanted , needed , to know exactly what was going on .
19 The theory of games and the Prisoner 's Dilemma had not been invented in those days but , with hindsight , we can see pretty clearly what was going on , and Axelrod provides a fascinating analysis .
20 WE live at a time when reporters go to foreign countries where there is trouble and come back to write books in which they say that it was hard to make out what was going on .
21 I was one of the first ones to be flown out and then there was a postal hold-up so I had real trouble finding out what was going on , and also trying to organise to have him brought home .
22 Jim Doel , the chief executive , said he had failed to find out what was going on .
23 I could n't make out what was going on so I began walking towards the image , binoculars pressed to my eyes .
24 So we used to sit and listen and try to work out what was going on , which gave the Lone Ranger even more mystery .
25 I called Ollie on the black phone , the secure phone , to find out what was going on , to fill in my knowledge a little bit more .
26 It took me all of 18 months to figure out what was going on , which says a lot about me . ’
27 After a short while we could n't stand it any longer ; we had to find out what was going on .
28 It took me a moment to work out what was going on .
29 He must either go home and try to forget all that had happened or creep up the hill and find out what was going on .
30 I was expecting that at any minute Mum would shout down to find out what was going on but she must have been preoccupied , trying on her new frock .
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