Example sentences of "[adv] [be] [adv] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 So be here tomorrow at five to one for the Kaye and Angus Lunchtime Show .
2 The red stockings and garters are stored away but you never know — they may soon be out again for another airing .
3 That would not be all right for a priest .
4 ‘ Frankly , I think he may not be all there in the top storey . ’
5 One of the new criteria , which would rule out Boston , New York and London as races with world record credentials , is that the start should not be further away from the finish than 30 per cent of the total distance run .
6 It may be a light aircraft twenty miles away , in which case they will go in their own cars , or it may be on the other side of the world , in which case they will be on the next airline flight in that direction and might not be home again for several weeks .
7 While Pollitt was not satisfied that the United Front was being used sufficiently to the advantage of the Party , he warned at the Thirteenth Congress in February 1935 that the Communists should not be too obviously in control of the campaign for Unity .
8 Ealing has led the way , and I hope that it will not be too long before other education authorities such as Cleveland follow .
9 It gives body , colour and better tannic structure to Tempranillo , which can help the wines withstand the punishing barrel-ageing requirements : the current vintage will not be out much before Mike Tyson .
10 I 'd still be in now without my parole — I was n't due for release until the thirteenth of this month .
11 The Board is simply saying that its own policies will also be explicitly only for companies .
12 Fund managers will also be more heavily in the market for government securities although holdings of index-linked gilts will continue to be run down .
13 Mum has started to give us hell again , so she is obviously a lot better and , with luck , she will probably be home again at the weekend . ’
14 Because if you 're thinking of nipping back a century or two and uncreating this interesting aberration of yours , I think I 'd rather be somewhere else at the moment of uncreation , if it 's all the same to you . ’
15 In the farthest corner , looking as if she would rather be anywhere else in the world at that moment , sat Dora .
16 pass one of these round each and if , there 's plenty here so if you 've got any friends , neighbours that ca n't be here tonight for any reason then feel free to take one afterwards and , well it would n't bother me if I had none to take back .
17 Now if I 'm the fund manager and you 've got ta deferred member , nobody 's gon na waste thirty years for me to pay up their pension , I wo n't be here probably in thirty years time er so they want the money up front .
18 Hello sha n't be long just in time for a cuppa .
19 Thank goodness that time too is passing and it wo n't be long now before Local Management of Schools and Local Financial Management is fully implemented and beyond the reach of the vicious Labour attacks on it 's future .
20 It could n't be too soon for me .
21 ‘ We wanted a more newsy , tabloid format but it could n't be too much like the Mirror . ’
22 If we ca n't , at least she will have had a holiday and it wo n't be too long until the Christmas break and we can go over to see her again . ’
23 He wo n't be down again until next month . ’
24 ‘ My new discod Style Over Substance could n't be further away from it . ’
25 IT CA N'T be very long before a rapist or a murderer stands up in court and pleads in defence : ‘ It was n't me , Your Honour , it was the Press . ’
26 In America it 's already selling well , but it wo n't be out here for some time .
27 There is n't much danger , but you should n't be out alone at night .
28 later than that , it 's er I mean to go to the crematorium at quarter past eleven , we would n't be back here before twelve o'clock .
29 ‘ You wo n't be back here till all hours . ’
30 ‘ Young lady , you are impudent to ask , but since the matter seems important to you I 'm prepared to say he wo n't be back much before Christmas .
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