Example sentences of "[adv] [be] [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A solution/map would apparently be gratefully received by Mr Croll , so get yer sheets of A4 paper and crayons out .
2 Instead , it has rightly be forcibly restored to being a surprise element .
3 Generic social work with the general population in closely knit communities may obviously be best achieved through small , patch-based teams ; but no organizational arrangement is universally valid irrespective of context and it is damaging when fashion seems to dictate otherwise .
4 We may conclude that violence is such a wide term that we need a typology , each item of which may have its own consequences and causes and so be best dealt with by different interventions .
5 Its eradication would inevitably be painful and the miseries of the people would be intense ; but they would even so be light compared with the miseries of eternal enslavement at the wheel of poverty and relief works .
6 A pupil may reach level 6 in Attainment Target 1 but only be partially achieving at level 5 in Attainment Targets 2 and 3 .
7 The crucial issue which this sort of situation emphasises is the vital importance of perception between persons of different cultures , which can only be partially ameliorated by the procedure suggested by James Lee .
8 If that were so , there would scarcely be a government in the last 100 years which could be regarded as legitimate , but it is those uses of power and law which seem to betray or which can only be reasonably explained by a contempt for or at least an impatience with the principles of limited government and a belief that the rightness of the policies to be executed excuse or justify the methods whereby they are executed .
9 There may be an exception if the event causing the injury or damage could only be reasonably explained by assuming there had been negligence .
10 Whether or not any address is within the district of any particular county court can usually only be reliably ascertained by inquiry at the court office where a directory is held .
11 It was put to the two top men and to the Vice President in charge of Overseas ' Operations that the interests of France could only be adequately served by Frenchmen , and not by Americans or Englishmen .
12 Finally , it is as well to realise that the title of ‘ karate champion ’ can only be legitimately conferred by a national governing body recognised by the Martial Arts Commission .
13 However , this can only be successfully achieved along undogmatic lines and in a spirit of goodwill and co-operation between our leading national institutions .
14 Crucially , their Interim report submitted in March 1920 noted the intimate connection between housing , transport and the ultimate distribution of land uses of all kinds , including residential , commercial and industrial , so that the housing question ‘ can only be successfully attacked by the simultaneous consideration of all these aspects over a wide area ’ .
15 Most of the ideas , techniques and strategies described in Part Two hold good for working with young children , but it is worth devoting time to a specific discussion of how one might adapt the work on still image and forum theatre for use with this age group , as they are sometimes thought to be strategies that can only be successfully used with older children .
16 Profit diagrams can only be intelligibly drawn for strategies involving investments with the same expiry dates .
17 While the differences between the crown of France and its vassals were expressed in a language which was essentially feudal ( a new political vocabulary more suited to developments had not yet evolved ) , what was really happening was something remarkably ‘ modern ’ , the laying of the foundations of a national state under one monarch whose territorial authority could only be effectively exercised through annexation or conquest .
18 For the language needs of learners can only be effectively solved by a linguistic analysis of their source problems ( Carter , 1982:2 ) .
19 Indeed , this is particularly relevant to a run-time recognition application , since data can only be meaningfully processed in one direction anyway ( i.e. left-to-right ) .
20 The answer is , of course , that the position of a word boundary has some effect on the realisation of the phoneme ; this is one of the many cases in which the occurrence of different allophones can only be properly explained by making reference to units of grammar ( something which was for a long time disapproved of by many phonologists ) .
21 This can only be properly tested in a laboratory , but all dyes used today are both permanent and colour-fast .
22 ‘ Popular music ’ ( or whatever ) can only be properly viewed within the context of the whole musical field , within which it is an active tendency ; and this field , together with its internal relationships , is never still — it is always in movement .
23 The text from the Canticle of Canticles 2:4 ordinavit in me caritatem ( he set in order charity in me ) distils imaginatively Hilton 's understanding that love can only be properly expressed through a disciplined orientation of the particular gifts and powers of the self to God .
24 Now , in a very real sense socialisation can only be properly understood as an aspect of all activity within human societies .
25 Legal issues , like other technical problems , can only be properly understood within their broader social context , and this is especially so when our purpose is not only to understand the world , but to change it . ’
26 But the significance of the political and religious events of the mid sixteenth century , and in particular Mary 's part in shaping them , can only be properly understood in the context of the traditional political and social patterns which had created the sixteenth-century Scottish kingdom .
27 Each sphere is typically characterized by a representative institution , cohesive structures of practices , organized and patterned , which can only be properly understood in terms of their transnational effects .
28 It is that such questions can only be properly pursued in the company of the disciplinary studies .
29 Samuel Smith took the view that the spiritual needs of deaf people could only be properly provided for if they had their own church and an ordained minister .
30 The next heart-stopping moment can only be properly described in the jockey 's own words :
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