Example sentences of "[adv] [vb -s] it [prep] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 The only rigour in Hennigian cladistics is produced by the straitjacket of assumptions that Hennig has fastened on himself and his version of the subject , which effectively separates it from having anything to do with evolution .
2 Thus it is often erroneously supposed that a provision of the Convention which merely prevents it from displacing or affecting a particular legal right thereby effectuates that right , whereas in truth the sole consequence of the provision is to leave the matter to be determined under the applicable national law .
3 She normally does it with washing machines .
4 When you unbind it it just stops it from joining all the bits together .
5 This legislation , far from doing anything to alleviate this , further compounds it by enshrining it in legislation .
6 Fgf-4 RNA is localized to the posterior half of the AER , and the affinity of FGF-4 protein for extracellular matrix components presumably prevents it from diffusing very far from the cells that secrete it .
7 It 's an exciting country with an Eastern quality that really makes it worth seeing .
8 The great length of wing which this bird possesses , admirably adapts it for inhabiting such a country as the far interior is generally imagined to be … ’
9 He won MVP awards — Most Valuable Player , ’ he explained to Perdita , ‘ all summer , then blows it by testing positive for drugs the day before the US Open .
10 We have a duty , as the authority that extracts money from the taxpayer and then spends it on buying services for the taxpayer , to ensure that every pound we spend on the taxpayers ' behalf buys as much as it possibly can .
11 The gaucho slips a rug under the door , ejects the key and then recovers it by hauling the rug towards him .
12 A person ‘ publishes ’ an article when he sells it , or otherwise distributes it by giving it away , letting it on hire or lending it .
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