Example sentences of "[adv] [vb -s] [adv] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ He very rarely goes out in the evenings . ’
2 This assertion that the modus should be enforced directly not only fits badly in the context , but also seems to contradict a text of Julian discussed earlier , in which he proposed using the traditional cautio method to secure performance .
3 But the hospital involved says it would be impossible to screen every woman for a problem that only occurs once in every fifty thousand births .
4 To like this a lot you probably need to be able to handle silent movies — though dialogue suddenly breaks out in the final scene , powerfully underlining the film 's more serious side .
5 ‘ Metalscape ’ captures the POD venom with a massive thump — the song 's arrangement lets the lyrical flow build and build until , just as you 're wondering if Jim Steinman is in the house , the whole thing falls back and gently rises again in an enchanting manner .
6 That this is so comes out in the way we say , for example , ‘ There is a pain in my foot ’ as readily as ‘ I feel a pain in my foot ’ .
7 I can always remove it later if something better comes up in the interim .
8 But as he pulls at the silk of her sari , it just unwinds endlessly in a cloud of colour until he falls bundled in fabric .
9 This normally happens only in the summer and lasts for an average of one to five days .
10 If there is a surplus , the Bank normally acts only in the afternoon to absorb it .
11 I 've been trying to get through to him in New York for weeks , and when he finally shows up in the office I 'm covered in green face-mask .
12 Polar Star is no exception ; its lovely clueless opening soon snarls up in a mess of motives and half-finished characters .
13 Oracle Applications Release 9 currently operates only with Oracle 6 , but will be certified to run with Oracle7 when that finally comes out in a production release .
14 We are all used to thinking of the Earth as some kind of large magnet , with two magnetic poles located quite near the geographic North and South Poles , so that the needle of a compass always lines up in the same direction .
15 He always goes there in the autumn .
16 The fight to save wildlife still goes on in the Shetlands .
17 We can assure the world that the spirit of wartime Liverpool still lives on in the young taxi drivers , news vendors , waiters , waitresses and the police .
18 My father still lives there in the house where I grew up . ’
19 Not all materials are suitable for both modern and period treatments — for example , a dark velvet usually looks best in an antique-style frame , whereas a pale pink silk or cotton can be an attractive choice for a more modern setting .
20 It 's something that er not always happens like in the back propagation learning and people who invented it did n't realize it was that that important and did n't advertise it .
21 Aberdeen , who missed the diligent foraging of the injured Grant , strung more passes together in the second half .
22 I said I feel sorry for Maggie , I says , cos she always ends up in the bloody middle , I says , and she whittles to death , I says , till the minute you get some money to feed them bairns , I says she 'll be awake nearly all night !
23 The situation still exists to-day in the 1980s but there is a more flexible and liberal attitude and deaf teachers of the deaf are once more gaining teaching appointments .
24 The golden sweetcorn still hangs out in the sun to dry .
25 If swallowed , the substance rapidly breaks down in the swan 's gizzard , and passes out with no harm done .
26 This possibility gradually breaks down in the next two stanzas .
27 Although few in number , the Reiksguard is the most important part of the army and usually forms up in the centre around the Emperor himself .
28 clamp from the middle , and erm , I used to carry like down the thing and I just got really out of control , went all over the place , like skis up in the air and one of them came off and the thing , actually , ripped off er , bottom of my boot .
29 Under optimal conditions the L3 stage is reached within five days , but usually takes longer in the field .
30 The 2 25 engine usually performs well in the 110 Check that the throttle linkage is giving full movement on both chokes of the carb As it is a progressive twin choke a small loss of movement such as a carpet tucked under the pedal can mean a big power loss
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