Example sentences of "[adv] [vb -s] [prep] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The inhabitants of these shells extend long threads through pores with which they trap particles of food .
2 In this environment , the true scientist 's heart naturally turns to thoughts of revenge .
3 In a niche above was a depiction of God the Father toward which Christ below turns with angels on either side .
4 If the pond level only drops during periods of hot weather it is safe to assume that evaporation is the cause .
5 Every year the Indian newspapers chart Siberian crane sightings with the devotion and enthusiasm the British press usually only musters at times of royal births .
6 In winter , the aphid lays its eggs only on the spindle bush in hedgerows in the UK ; so counts of eggs on these bushes enables Professor Michael Way at Imperial College to predict how prevalent the aphids will be in the summer .
7 As the person through whom all orders for purchases from project grants must pass , this is clearly a key position in the project 's structure .
8 This should make life a little easier for the prosecutor , but let's not forget that the prosecutor only deals in terms of the crimes , with violence that has occurred , and the violence that has occurred is of course something which has gone wrong in society .
9 Wilkinson illustrates his conclusion by suggesting that a comparison of the optical company and the plating company displays the folly of the notion that de-skilling and increased management control over production processes necessarily leads to increases in efficiency .
10 His role only exists in terms of the other roles in the game .
11 Section 3 only protects against actions of defamation in that it gives qualified privilege to extracts from any reports protected by sections I and 2 .
12 However , all businesses must always bear in mind that in Community law , privilege only attaches to communications with independent legal advisers and not with in-house Counsel .
13 The requirement of standing only applies to actions in respect of public law wrongs .
14 However , the purchaser should ensure that this only applies to obligations to the extent that they have been disclosed and ensure that it will not be required to perform the obligations if such vicarious performance would be a breach of the relevant contract ( see clause 8.2(b) of the standard sale agreement — Appendix III ) .
15 Finally , the ruling only applies to members of schemes set up after 13 March 1989 , and to new employees joining existing schemes from 1 June 1989 .
16 The new flexi-age retirement provision is unlikely to help you if you move to a new job , since it only applies to employees of 20 years ' standing .
17 The view might be held that s3 has no application to such a clause , because s3 only applies to clauses under which the proferens purports to be entitled to a performance diffferent from that reasonably expected , whereas the effect of the clause quoted above is to define the performance which may reasonably be expected of the seller , so that the buyer can not reasonably expect any particular delivery date .
18 This approximation obviously extends to problems with more than two variables provided the objective function and constraints are separable , that is , they are sums of functions of individual variables , for example , .
19 This obviously makes for difficulties in distinguishing policy making and implementation , and for identifying implementation issues and problems .
20 Although this jurisdiction is a concomitant of its appellate jurisdiction under the Criminal Appeal Act 1968 , the Act only provides for appeals from the Court of Appeal to the House of Lords from appeals heard by the Court of Appeal .
21 The network of person-to-person relationships formula thus refers to sets of rights and duties which find expression in more or less predictable patterns of behaviour .
22 Most of what we throw away goes into holes in the ground .
23 One normally thinks in terms of the 3 year rule as applying to a person who emigrates from the United Kingdom whilst one considers that the 17 year rule is applicable to someone who becomes resident in the United Kingdom whilst retaining his overseas domicile under general principles .
24 In postauratic culture , Benjamin argues , reception is once again collective and now no longer occurs under conditions of ‘ immersion ’ .
25 Quantum analysis is a branch of statistics designed to test a very specific hypothesis , namely that a set of measurements is ‘ quantised ’ , and thus occurs in multiples of some basic measurement unit .
26 It follows that the way in which the upper years of junior schools are organised should be seen — just as already happens for pupils of the same age in middle schools — as part of the process of securing good continuity between the primary and secondary phases .
27 For instance , crust up to at least 70 km thick occurs below parts of the Andes .
28 we were initially requested to act by another KPMG member firm which already acts as auditors to Client .
29 IBOA does not accept the opportunism of AIB management in the UK taking away benefits from members on the basis of an argument that one bad year justifies such an approach .
30 Parents , too , particularly when their freedom to choose and change their children 's school is a central tenet of the organization of post-1980 education , will feel less difficulty in understanding a school which is an effective competitor but which nevertheless co-operates with others for the sake of ensuring a wider curriculum .
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