Example sentences of "[adv] [vb infin] us [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In that document , there is a very strong reference to the fact that that power should be either restrictive or removed and that there should be a right of appeal against it , which would effectively prevent us from using it .
2 That , however , does not prevent us from drawing particular , limited conclusions from such ‘ isolation ’ experiments .
3 By contrast the white hole originates in a space-time singularity and the horizon does not prevent us from viewing this strange event .
4 The hon. Gentleman has changed his wording — at last , he did not accuse us of privatising HMI .
5 The nineties have yet to prove themselves a kinder and gentler decade , but that should not stop us from looking forward again .
6 But that should not stop us from recognising that things are very much better in the '90s than they were in the '70s .
7 stories because they are encouraging it does make us feel that even though we are a small denomination that does not stop us from preventing new ideas which we can share and in which we can learn from each other .
8 Some of these considerations are sometimes valid , and must be taken into account , but surely they should not excuse us from seeking out such evidence as does exist in relation to the period and style we are performing ?
9 He added defiantly : ‘ This bomb will not deter us from putting Portadown back on the North . ’
10 But he vowed : ‘ This bomb will not deter us from putting Portadown back on the map as the hub of the north . ’
11 • When the activity of our kidneys is considered , a bed-time drink does not waken us by filling our bladders during the night , whereas a similar drink in the daytime causes urine flow to increase quite rapidly .
12 Future generations will not thank us for spending our energies and money on nuclear weapons , and on the unseemly attraction of enormous wealth to a tiny minority in north America and western Europe while the majority of the population of the world sees nothing but environmental destruction and the continuing decline in living standards .
13 The constitution should not constrain us from articulating these political ideas , therefore we will request the Sri Lankan government to bring about an annulment of the amendment . ’
14 ‘ Now , sit in this chair next to me , ’ he said , and with a sudden change of tone and manner , said , ‘ You must not blame us for keeping up such high standards of public behaviour .
15 Research can be carried out at all sorts of levels ; we could restrict ourselves simply to reading everything we can find and produce a piece of work which was wholly based on documentary sources and which did not involve us in attending any baptisms or asking anyone involved any questions .
16 Parallels between Minoan bull-leaping and Spanish bull-fighting , for instance , should not deceive us into seeing bull-leaping as mere ‘ theatre of cruelty ’ entertainment .
17 Efforts to do so are misplaced and can positively mislead us into believing in the efficacy of the internal organization of the structure of the company as a means of legitimating corporate managerial power .
18 She does n't hector us about giving up things .
19 The sun may not shine that much on Britain but that does n't exclude us from using solar power .
20 Sir , we ought to have them nearby us , where we can see what they 're up to … where they ca n't betray us without destroying themselves as well .
21 It does n't prohibit us from talking about them .
22 And he ca n't blame us for singing ‘ You 're Only Here For The Money etc ’ when we travel to Ewood Park .
23 ‘ Ye ca n't blame us for trying . ’
24 That is exactly where they will ultimately lead us by supporting devolved government in Scotland .
25 To recognise the continuing validity of such questions can not however exempt us from attempting to construct and share in a growing body of expertise .
26 That would be a major breakthrough and would certainly assist us in formulating our policy as we move towards government .
27 After all , we thought ( quite irrationally and knowing next to nothing about the Germans ) , even if they met two young girls cycling in the countryside , they would never suspect us of taking food and clothing to the English .
28 I remember my father used to say that even those experiences that take us out of ourselves — the ‘ mountain-top ’ experiences — can never keep us from having to come down to the valley of ordinary existence .
29 ( iii ) There is no direct relation between statistical deviance and stylistic significance : literary considerations must therefore guide us in selecting what features to examine .
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