Example sentences of "[adv] [vb infin] it [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 She seemed to be having trouble putting one in front of the other but she did eventually make it to the steps of the disabled bus and fell inside .
2 I would rather describe it as a lively interest . ’
3 If I 'm going to snuff it , I 'd rather snuff it with a pint in my fist than one of their bloody mugs of Ovaltine .
4 Rubberneck could only compare it with a wedding , the crush , as a fight , when the cars drove off and they always threw out coins .
5 There were quite a few dunces , and er some did n't always get moved on and they did n't all make it into the top class , they had to stop again for another year , or period , in the class they were .
6 Churchill , the First Sea Lord and England 's hero , could only describe it in the House on October 17 as ‘ a remarkable exploit of skill and daring ’ .
7 Which is sold everywhere today , you could only buy it in a chemist shop , tea .
8 But as Celia says , the trouble is that so many people , they will only buy it in a year .
9 I made it a condition that I 'd only do it with an American choreographer , and my assistant is American , too . ’
10 I discovered he was teething — the sucking made his gums sore so he could only do it for a short time .
11 ‘ If the weather 's dry and if you do n't mind how you treat your car — or maybe you could only do it in a jeep , I 've never tried it .
12 If I have to lose it , I 'll only do it in the ring .
13 In respect of the foregoing it must be understood that the interpretation put upon the word ‘ selfishness ’ in this book is one which does not necessarily brand it as a vice .
14 So marvelous was the migrating instinct of birds that he could only ascribe it to the superior intelligence of their Creator .
15 Shakespeare makes the point about interpretation that modern research in theories of vision and the education of young children has confirmed — that we are all taught to see — by Iago 's prediction of the view that Othello , hidden in the normally superior position of the eavesdropper , will take of his imminent conversation with Cassio : After the scene has turned out exactly as predicted , Iago checks on his victim 's responses : The Signifier here , the handkerchief , has been made by Iago to yield a meaning which is totally false , but which he has put upon it with so much circumstantial detail — Shakespeare 's diligence in this point risks pushing his plot into the incredible — that Othello can only see it as a present that Cassio has received from Desdemona and has ‘ given … his whore ’ .
16 He would only see it as a weakness to be used against her , or worse , as an attempt to ingratiate herself .
17 ‘ Faye needs someone as soon as possible now , so perhaps I 'd better square it with the hospital for you .
18 ( For example , by commuting a communication through PAR using 5.6 or 5.7 , one might apparently remove it from the alphabet of the corresponding process . )
19 They can only use it as a source of energy after alcohol has been processed by the liver .
20 Evans did admit buying a can of petrol on the way to Birdlip , but he thought White would only use it as a threat to rob Mr Stokle , nothing too serious .
21 Information having the necessary quality of confidence which is supplied by one party of a contract to another for the purpose of enabling that other to perform a contract will usually be subject to an obligation of confidence so that the recipient may only use it for the purpose of that contract .
22 You 'll only spend it at the bar otherwise .
23 Mere faith in an idea can only sustain it for a limited time especially when others are required to act upon that faith .
24 Because we can only understand it at a level of artificial instrumentation , and mathematical calculations on paper , we find it hard to imagine a little animal doing it in its head .
25 The county council has not got the power to ban fox hunting in total it can only ban it on the land which it owns or controls and that 's what that motion seeks to do today .
26 But that line is a difficult one to draw , and some traders or lenders may inadvertently draw it in the wrong place .
27 We 'd better measure it on the other wall , had n't we ?
28 Are you aware of your own beauty , or do you only glimpse it through the acknowledgement of others ?
29 And I do n't only try it on the
30 I 'm not saying we all had it together but you say you can er say that about four of 'em would then as that as that they got rid of it the other the others 'd get it you know eventually and th we 'd all have it in the end .
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