Example sentences of "[adv] [vb infin] in some [noun] " in BNC.

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1 However , items like lighting , heating and telephone will probably show an increase , and you should perhaps build in some kind of an allowance .
2 An inability to mature adequately out of the phallic , Oedipal phase will usually not only result in some degree of genital inhibition later in life and a fixation on infantile sexual gratifications such as masturbation , voyeurism , sado-masochism , etc. , but also reduce the force of the cultural prohibitions which the original phallic-Oedipal trauma of our forefathers precipitated , namely those against parricide and incest .
3 It is worth noting that the word " religion " either does not naturally feature in some religions , or is regarded by many religious people with considerable disapproval .
4 Do you consider any of these to be culture specific : either because the genre does not exist in some cultures , or because it is substantially different ?
5 The last three statements are assertions of contentment , but only three statements — numbers six , seven and ten — do not refer in some way to domestic work or the work environment .
6 In practice , it is n't necessary to concentrate on including these factors , as they will generally appear in some form in the finished product .
7 There is no cure for this , but fortunately it is usually found that such processes do not occur in some fraction of photoionization events , so that the observed spectrum contains at least some intensity in an unshifted line , accompanied by various ‘ satellites ’ corresponding to the energy loss processes .
8 And certainly I can think of very few other structure plans that do not attempt in some way to er give some form of er recognition to the er Government policy as set out in P P G seven .
9 For the lord 's sake , then , why did they not put in some repairs ?
10 But if the choreographer does not understand all the details which go to make the total presentation of a ballet , it can all too easily fail in some way or other .
11 However , it doubles the minimum run time , and so will not help in some cases .
12 The opportunities will usually arise in some way from your existing client base , so make sure you do enough homework : it is not sufficient merely to wish , or to hope , that you can diversify into a new area .
13 Until that capability is brought under systematic control , although the threat may have changed , it will still exist in some shape or form .
14 Particles of spin 0 , 1 , or 2 do also exist in some circumstances as real particles , when they can be directly detected .
15 Within Western societies what are the most likely responsive sectors ( these may also apply in some measure to North America and Australasia ) ?
16 I shall now consider in some detail this last phenomenon — variable loss of [ h ] in stressed syllables initially before vowels .
17 Increasingly , the distinction is being blurred and fusion will eventually arrive in some form .
18 I 'll even throw in some henna for you to tart it up . ’
19 For instance , broad policies for assisting new enterprise may simply result in some businesses being thrust up onto the crowded platform at the expense of others pushed off it .
20 I do like wedding cake but the only thing I do n't like in some cakes is ch
21 And did they , they must have had lean times if they sat around and waited for a boat , one did n't come in some days may be .
22 The sex exclusive markers which do indeed occur in some languages are superficially striking , but on closer inspection they can be seen to result from a few regular and predictable rules acting on the same basic structures .
23 The bulk of the programme would then outline in some detail the specific projects being funded , and the resources allocated to them over a 3–4-year period .
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