Example sentences of "[adv] [vb infin] so much [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The vicar had asked me in the war to do this and erm I was secretary of that and I used to say er , you know you could only do so much because we was n't like housewives today .
2 You know we will only do so much and we need to do more .
3 Even affable John , one of nature 's gentlemen , can only take so much and has now stopped being polite because when the police recognize him , as they do , they seem to take a particular delight in grilling someone famous .
4 I find that absolutely because you know my stories I can only write so much and then I stop and think about then and then I write some more .
5 It does not arise so much when the doubt lies between ( a ) consent and ( b ) no decision .
6 You may not want to get up and run a race immediately after eating but you should not eat so much that you find it difficult to climb a flight of stairs .
7 And you yourself made it clear to me that you would not stomach so much as one more day , if we could but be induced to open a way of escape for you .
8 On the social issue , Hughes notes the recent concern that girls may not benefit so much as boys from using computers .
9 Today it did not matter so much that he was different .
10 This would not matter so much if Pound had not been a great technical innovator in verse writing .
11 It would not matter so much if a Turkish president were just a figurehead .
12 The skilled reader does not guess so much as eliminate alternatives by the most efficient route .
13 In Ernest and Elizabeth 's awful old kitchen , which had last had a re-fit in 1926 and in which Cecilia herself would not have so much as peeled a potato , though nothing would have made her say so , Tina was baking a birthday cake for Bienvida .
14 He was quite outrageous and she knew she should not have so much as smiled , but she found herself laughing with him .
15 It was this fact which led Lord Lyons to comment that the government did not lead so much as follow when it came to the last stages of the crisis .
16 The matron moved towards Elinor 's bed on legs that seemed to be joined to her feet without ankles : she did not walk so much as stomp .
17 The Naked Lunch does not end so much as tail off entropically into verbal fragments .
18 All things considered , however , the film does n't exactly fly so much as hope from one gag to the next , relying on the awe of Brando and affection for the Kellog character to carry it over the many black spots .
19 All things considered , however , the film does n't exactly fly so much as hope from one gag to the next , relying on the awe of Brando and affection for the Kellog character to carry it over the many black spots .
20 We 'd always get so much and we used it in rotation .
21 Pins and needles can even hurt so much that we would almost prefer to let the leg sleep on .
22 It did n't hurt so much as it did with my Dad passing away .
23 Erm er just made an observation about er experience in hospital with children and apparently when kids have been in hospital for a length of time they do n't object so much when you go along and stick a the
24 Maybe it did n't matter so much if you were old .
25 It does n't matter so much if the document is to be a one-off , although it obviously helps fairly significantly if the material can actually be read .
26 I mean while she had her career it did n't matter so much because I was there .
27 The iron grip Guy had used to subdue her had relaxed into a hold that now cradled rather than constrained , and yet she could n't lift so much as a finger to defend herself , could barely summon the will to press her face harder against the bed in a futile attempt to escape that warm , spine-tingling touch .
28 I would n't mind so much but it was me who had to make all the moves when Andy and I first got started . ’
29 Would n't mind so much but they kept taking the piss out I was wearing my socks .
30 ‘ I would n't mind so much if they were girls … ’
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