Example sentences of "[adv] [vb infin] go to the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You 'd have to signal in advance which issues you regarded as a matter of confidence — for instance , the Tories might have a crack at coal privatisation but might not want to go to the country on it if they failed . ’
2 She did not want to go to the beach because the beach meant the bikini , and spending all afternoon sucking in her gut and wondering why her skin went straight from fishbelly white to lobster red while all the other kids had golden tans .
3 If you do not want to go to the police , ring Sunday Life on Belfast 331133 ext 4316 and your message will be passed on to the McDermotts .
4 Work was out of the question , she could not think about it ; she did not dare go to the tower , she felt she had damaged something : loose talk means hubris .
5 Etty would normally volunteer to go to the fish and chip shop in Norfolk Street .
6 Elaine 's voice was concerned but deep inside she hoped he would not decide to go to the party .
7 There 's a lot of people who er do n't , who would not have gone to the bother of going into the shop and buying a one pound or two pound or four pound
8 WHILE Michael Foot makes it plain he does not wish to go to the House of Lords after the election , at least one senior Tory leaving the Lower House may also remain a commoner .
9 You can either raise the pH level using a buffer or , if you do not wish to go to the expense and trouble involved in this , why not choose fish which prefer acidic water .
10 ‘ I do not wish to go to the Jonquil with you , ’ he said .
11 Oh I 'll just have to go to the shop .
12 Why could n't I just have gone to the cops and reported my stuff missing ? 'Cos I was missing myself , that 's why .
13 They could no longer afford to go to the pubs , clubs or bingo , nor the occasional day out or trip .
14 But does n't that mean that most of the European investment will always tend to go to the centrally placed Golden Triangle countries who occupy this privileged position rather than to the United Kingdom and other peripheral countries who are in less favoured areas ?
15 You 'll probably need to go to the toilet soon .
16 He would start to pressurise her again and she did n't really want to go to the Dordogne at all .
17 No party would now dare go to the voters promising a prohibition on women 's right to work and to a wage .
18 The aims of the new mental health task force , set up in January to monitor the mental health service modernisation programme ( p 000 ) , seem sensible , but if central data on the programme had been collected all along the team would not now have to go to the districts for information .
19 Besides , I did n't fancy going to the Chapel and having all the family looking down their noses at me .
20 I thought we could have lunch in the garden after your inspection — I 've already arranged for the fridge to be restocked — and afterwards , if you do n't fancy going to the beach , we could go out in my boat , or I 'll take you for a tour of North Zealand , through the quaint old villages with their farmhouses and gardens full of hollyhocks and the beech woods .
21 You do n't want to go to the police , because you 're afraid they 'll simply get involved in another siege — if you can make them believe you in time , which seems doubtful .
22 Fiona returned , pulling on a fluffy white wrap over her red silk dress , saying she really did n't want to go to the dinner and being persuaded again by her husband .
23 We did n't have many chips , but that was because my mother did n't want to go to the bother of making them , nor did she like the mess that boiling , spluttering fat can make .
24 My Better Half 's always maintained , and I agree with him , if they do n't want to go to the Church then we wo n't force them .
25 If you do n't want to go to the expense of buying them , check out the travel section at your local library .
26 If you do n't want to go to the expense and trouble of covering your walls with natural fabrics like hessian , grasscloth , or cork , there 's a lot of imitations available .
27 But he did n't want to go to the bloody thing , not after what they 'd done to the poor old man .
28 He does n't want to go to the police .
29 Since he wanted to delay the ceremony , but did n't want to go to the trouble of desecrating any graves , he only had one option .
30 That 's why I did n't want to go to the edge because I wanted to try and do my own .
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