Example sentences of "[adv] [vb infin] at [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I would rather stay at a good bed & breakfast than in several five-star hotels I could name .
2 Thus the cost of a path can not increase , it can only stay at the same level or decrease , and the algorithm is admissible .
3 It will only look at the premium status up to the fifteenth of the month , it wo n't take into consideration when so recall 's gone through on the sixteenth of the month .
4 But I would say that we should obviously look at the financial aspect of the review erm dates , which might be yearly .
5 In total one can only marvel at the numerous stations opened in the 1980s and it is pleasing to note that many more are in the pipeline .
6 But this can only work at the individual level : it can not work for the economy as a whole since the quantity of nominal money is fixed , and so one person obtains more money by selling bonds only with the result that someone else — the person who buys the bonds — finds himself with less .
7 So down at squadron level we had this very much in our minds when in time the orders came down through Group , through station , right to the people who had to do the carting and the bombing , I feel I should explain right at the outset that I can only view at the later stages of the war the state of morale as I saw it in the entire Pathfinder Force .
8 Such ‘ town plans ’ are eminently satisfying but also dangerously deceptive , because in the absence of excavation , they can only hint at the potential complexity involved .
9 What characterises these speaker-initiated insertion sequences , then , is that the London English part of the speaker 's turn is a sequence embedded in the turn but not part of the mainstream ; it does not necessarily start at a syntactic clause completion point ( for example ( 8 ) , where it begins after a subject pronoun ) and its purpose is to elicit information , or check on information to make it possible for the speaker to complete the current turn ( Sebba and Wootton 1984 : 4 ) .
10 Oh let's not all talk at the same time !
11 A homogeneous population will eventually grow at a steady rate r , which is given by the Euler-Lotka equation , In an asexual population , or a population of sexually reproducing haploids that vary only at a single locus , the outcome of natural selection depends simply on the long-term growth rates associated with each genotype , in the absence of density- or frequency-dependent interactions , each genotype will eventually grow exponentially at a rate that depends on its own life history , given by equation ( 1 ) .
12 But McGrath , who has had eight operations on his knees , revealed this could be his swansong , saying : ‘ I will decide at the end of the season , but I 'd rather quit at the top than drop down to a lower level , and the knees cause me a lot of pain .
13 The ex-Manchester United star admitted : ‘ I 'd rather quit at the top than drop to a lower level .
14 This division between planning conditions and site licence conditions highlights the need for co-operation between planners , waste disposal officers and other pollution control agencies , at a pre-planning stage wherever possible , in order to reach agreement on those conditions which are to be attached to the planning consent , and those to be attached to the site licence , thus ensuring that problems of control do not arise at a later stage .
15 Some of these plate boundary configurations and stages of development are largely conjectural since clear examples do not exist at the present day .
16 Joan Thirsk 's brilliant examination of these variations , region by region , illustrates this for the period from 1500 onwards ( 103 , pp.1–112 ) , and there is no reason to believe that a similar diversity did not exist at the earlier period also , although there were probably changes in detail in particular areas , such as those caused by climatic change to which allusion was made in Chapter 1 .
17 Whatever the wedding organizers decide , it is important to let the toastmaster and the speechmakers know , so that they are prepared and do not disappear at the vital moment .
18 He was talking but could not think at the same time .
19 It rained upon them at Elgin and Johnson again ran into culinary difficulty with a lunch he could not eat at the Red Lion inn .
20 KPMG would not comment at the recent agm .
21 FORMER Liberal leader Sir David Steel yesterday urged Labour to stand down for the Liberal-Democrats in seats they can not win at the next Election .
22 The Whites had vast total forces but the separate forces did not attack at the same time .
23 So I must not jump at the first chance .
24 Now if the prediction that follows from this maze of premises turns out to be false ( in our example , if the planet does not appear at the predicted location ) , then all that the logic of the situation permits us to conclude is that at least one of the premises must be false .
25 In a fixed date action , if the defendant has not delivered a defence within the time limited , or in any action where the defendant does not appear at the pre-trial review ( or preliminary arbitration appointment ) , evidence by affidavit is admissible without notice unless the court otherwise orders ( Ord 20 , r 7(2) ; Ord 19 , r 5(2) ; Term No 2 ) .
26 On the other hand , when one is obsessively searching for the solution to a problem , it may be consciously recognised when it occurs as a fluctuation in the random activity of the subconscious whereas in other circumstances it might not emerge at the conscious level at all .
27 Excellent so you 've already got percentages sorted out there , can we just look at the next block of words , and hello , hello , right , no , yeah well I , yes I I think it all went great , unfortunately erm , so I really ca n't really consider on , on that .
28 You can just look at the periodic erm
29 Er the County Council can not look at an individual building and say , this is a particular piece of land which is going to be developed and this is going to have this particular impact on the environment .
30 He did not look at the still bowing surveyors as he spoke , but at Alexei .
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