Example sentences of "[adv] [vb infin] that i had " in BNC.

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1 People would obviously conclude that I had died a coward .
2 ‘ Just because I knew Mills was suspected of betraying someone does not necessarily mean that I had anything to do with his unfortunate death .
3 It did not matter that I had rejected my father 's ways , that I had become a marine and was as poor as a church mouse while McIllvanney had become a rich man ; the stench of privilege still clung to me and McIllvanney loved to discomfort me because of it .
4 I could not believe that I had got my first job .
5 I hoped she would not discover that I had told Mr Edgar about her quarrel with Heathcliff .
6 So taken was I with this vision of perfect Iceland that I did not realise that I had walked into a skua colony , not , that is , until one fearless great skua hit me .
7 I said I understood this , but did not add that I had been told of the beauty of these women and their attention to make-up , of their fine skin and care for the traditional in their clothes and way of life .
8 I conceded that it might have been wiser , and indeed more seemly , to have consulted her before a decision was reached ; but I did not add that I had advised the Prime Minister to agree to a meeting over her head because I was convinced that she would never accept a challenge to her authority .
9 All that morning I was frightened that my sister would discover that I had stolen from her , but luckily she was so busy cleaning the house , and roasting the chickens for our Christmas lunch that she did not notice that I had been out , or that any food was missing .
10 At this distance in time , I can not pretend that I had my doubts about its merits : what I did dwell on was a certain psychological subtlety in retailing the author 's love-life , though in terms which today would he considered ludicrously niminy-piminy .
11 I did not say that I had irrefutable evidence .
12 Let's just say that I had a lot of time to learn things — about survival in terrible times , and camouflage , and new ways of living .
13 Can I just say that I had figured four hundred million it is in fact four fifty .
14 Can I just say that I had figured four hundred million , it is in fact four fifty .
15 I will always maintain that I had a good time in service , and from what I heard there were n't many bad places in the Teesdale area — just the odd one here and there .
16 She said huskily , ‘ Surely you ca n't really think that I had anything to do with this ? ’
17 They would really believe that I had gone completely mad .
18 Oh I did n't feel that I had any gripes from our point of view .
19 He , he did n't realize that I had more stacked in the other room ready to come out
20 I did n't realise that I had not completely accepted Zoe .
21 I did n't realise that I had lost it at the party . ’
22 Back at home I did n't mention that I had barely escaped being branded as a melon thief ; but now , having ridden a bicycle , I realized that I would not be happy until I possessed one of my own .
23 It did n't help that I had to call my father ‘ uncle ’ and Eric and Paul ‘ cousins ’ ; this was my father 's idea of trying to fool the policeman about my parentage in case Diggs did any asking around and discovered that I did n't exist officially .
24 No , I ca n't say that I had ; like many others I simply disliked the man . ’
25 But I do now sometimes wish that I had given them more time when I did have them . ’
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