Example sentences of "[adv] [vb infin] it and [verb] " in BNC.

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1 For a moment , Eleanor Thorne did not recognise it and wondered whose hand it might be .
2 It says that recent years have seen a transformation in Britain 's manufacturing base , and it condemns those who do not recognise it and continue to run down the achievements of British industry .
3 The captain , who had done this sort of thing before , did not discuss it and discouraged any of his officers and men from doing so .
4 So in what way can it differ Men and women differ in conversation ? and you can make it specific you can just discuss it and make very specific interruptions or turn-taking if you want .
5 Unless you want to just discuss it and mark it down as we 're going through .
6 Why not do it and leave it ready the day before , then all that is needed is one minute to set the garter carriage in operation and you will come home to a sleeve which only has to be cast off .
7 And then you know , when you check up on it , the following day , you probably find the council 's been back in and forgot to secure it , so we 've got s a nail and some nails and a hammer , and we 'll er just re-secure it and let the the council know in the morning .
8 He banned books , seized passports , expelled foreigners , legalised detention without trial though he did not use it and dismissed international protests about torture of the still-gaoled leftist ex-leaders .
9 Oliver started to ask whether they could not drop it and go home , but it struck him that he was in a precarious position and he kept quiet .
10 But when you can not measure it and express it in numbers , your knowledge is of a very meagre and unsatisfying kind . "
11 Well , well that 's what I said , but she says can I not just alter it and leave it at that ?
12 And so , when you come to the bible and you read the account of Jesus here on the earth , turning the water into wine , of Jesus stilling the storm , when you into the old testament and you read accounts there of the children of Israel , of the me , of the tremendous miracles that were performed by Jehovah , God for them well of course , there 's a natural explanation to it , because you ca n't do these things , there are natural laws that stop you doing them you can not take a glass of water , even if you 're God , you can not take it and make it into a glass of wine instantly , it 's got natural processes to go through .
13 Why not try it and see … look at our list below .
14 However , if you did not read it and require further information , please write to me at
15 His fingers were bloody and in his eyes there was such despair that I could not stand it and went out into the filthy courtyard ’ .
16 I ca n't just leave it and walk away .
17 Perhaps she should just forget it and fly straight back to London .
18 How do I best practise it and know that I am loving God ? "
19 It happens at the moment anyway , so why not sanction it and make it a skill in itself .
20 Rpm , MAP , CHT , ammeter , carb temp and fuel gauges are set below , with carb heat , wobble-pump and emergency fuel and oil cut-off levers protruding beside the oil filler ( which is in the cockpit by the co-pilot 's left knee so a frozen frontiersman can easily check it and top up ) .
21 If they found the operation was n't necessary , they could easily postpone it and make way for another patient .
22 The experience itself was real enough , and I can retrospectively describe it and analyse it , irrespective of whether its object was real or fictional .
23 I suppose I thought that I had to start somewhere , and if this bird did n't work I could always sell it and buy another .
24 Only by concentrating on the object can you both analyse it and celebrate it .
25 I considered simply passing it forward , but some idiot would probably open it and read it out to the whole class , or else it would get intercepted by Mrs Burton who was the last person that I wanted to read it .
26 And we increase it by ten perc Well let's say we increase it by It 's not out money is it , so let's really spend it and increase it by fifty percent every year .
27 If an experienced operator of a complex console of switches is asked where a particular switch is he will often touch it and check what he has touched , the action precedes the recall and recall precedes recognition .
28 As the recently-formed RAF Museum was still several years away from having its own permanent display building , D'Arcy persuaded the Air Historical Branch to release PA474 to him in order that he could properly restore it and keep it under cover .
29 He could n't make it and asked me to come instead . ’
30 Humans ca n't catch it and pass it on , especially not through solid glass.in But he refused to give ground on this issue .
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