Example sentences of "[adv] [vb infin] [coord] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The skills required to successfully design and make up complex documents are not learnt overnight .
2 Without social inequality , Parsons finds it difficult to see how members of society could effectively cooperate and work together .
3 However , they do appear to gently tighten and tone up the surface of the skin ( albeit temporarily ) and moisturise at the same time so skin feels softer and smoother .
4 I left just a bit less naive than when I 'd started , and a lot more confused ; in the end I fitted neither with the industrious working-class student body ( which was a large proportion ) nor with the socially confident middle class who did less work but had better cultural camouflage to disguise their deficiencies .
5 In fact , if she wanted to hold down her gruelling job in a profession that was notorious for being both fraught with tension and also for the high casualty rate of mental burn-out , she 'd better try and get back to sleep — right now !
6 I thought I better call and see how you were doing
7 I thought I better call and see how you were doing , now we know
8 I ca n't suddenly change and come up with really hostile questions . "
9 ‘ I 'd better go and wash again , I suppose .
10 ‘ I suppose I 'd better go and sort out something to eat for this evening . ’
11 ‘ I 'd better go and look over the script before dinner , ’ she told him without meeting his eyes .
12 So , since there 's nothing you can usefully do at the moment , you 'd better go and lie down . ’
13 ‘ I 'd better go and see how it went . ’
14 ‘ I 'd better go and see how Betty is , ’ she said .
15 Well Grant should have tape loaded by now so I suppose I 'd better go and see how he 's getting on .
16 Better go and see how your father 's getting on I suppose .
17 ‘ Greg , I think you 'd better go and get on with your work , ’ Nina intervened briskly , but by that time Rachel had risen to her feet , her face flaming .
18 And erm we used to kick this tin down the hill and er as I say it would roll down and we would all go and hide anywhere , back garden , front garden , over a wall , round a corner , anywhere like that you see .
19 And then we can all go and stay there .
20 Which the big glass will not only deny but show up for what it is : narcissism , regression , the refusal to see things as they are .
21 I mean , I myself , for instance , after I 'd published my first book on psychoanalysis in nineteen eighty was summoned to the House of Commons by and given a dinner , in the House of Commons Restaurant , which is n't very good actually , least it was n't then , and effectively I was told by this great man was , noticed , had a very high opinion of his own ego , that erm , you know the left was in charge of psychoanalysis in this country , and had better conform or shut up .
22 Their names and background are known to their neighbours in Baldersdale but they are very anxious to avoid as much as possible becoming involved in the publicity which continually surrounds Hannah and hope that interest in her former home will eventually decline and disappear However , they have agreed to reveal their detailed plans for Low Birk Hatt and they are calculated to please the most critical defender of Dales traditions .
23 However , many of the securities supposedly backing the receipts did not exist or had not been purchased .
24 They argue that it is misguided to pretend that these proscribed organisations ( like Sinn Fein ) either do not exist or do not carry massive popular support .
25 These identifiers can be changed ; the identifiers need not exist and need only approximate to the range required , as LIFESPAN will start and finish the listing with valid identifiers which are nearest to those specified but which do not exceed the range given by them .
26 These names need not exist and need only approximate to the range required , as LIFESPAN will start and finish the listing with valid names which are nearest to those specified but which do not exceed the range given by them .
27 These identifiers need not exist and need only approximate to the range required , as LIFESPAN will start and finish the listing with valid identifiers which are nearest to those specified but which do not exceed the range given by them .
28 These identifiers can be changed ; the identifiers need not exist and need only approximate to the range required , as LIFESPAN will start and finish the listing with valid identifiers which are nearest to those specified but which do not exceed the range given by them .
29 These identifiers can be changed ; the identifiers need not exist and need only approximate to the range required , as LIFESPAN will start and finish the listing with valid identifiers which are nearest to those specified but which do not exceed the range given by them .
30 These names need not exist and need only approximate to the range required , as LIFESPAN will start and finish the listing with valid names which are nearest to those specified but which do not exceed the range given by them .
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