Example sentences of "[adv] [vb infin] [prep] such [noun] " in BNC.

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31 If a young animal is one of a litter or a clutch , it can not rely on such solicitude from its parents .
32 Unfortunately the local historian can not rely on such proximation of tincture and style being always a sign of seignorial attachment .
33 Basically these problems attend many surgical operations , and the question resolves itself into whether the transsexual should be allowed to consent ; whether , in other words , the state has an interest in striking out such consent , and thereby rendering the surgeon who goes ahead liable in tort , on the ground that he can not rely on such consent .
34 Although the three individual defendants had either signed or had been made aware of undertakings of confidentiality when they entered the employment of the plaintiff , counsel on behalf of the plaintiffs did not rely upon such undertakings before the judge but relied upon general implied principles of law in this area .
35 The first phase must almost certainly involve the use of coercion and brutal methods ; the second phase need not rely upon such methods , but can use the methods of the market by introducing cheap goods with which to destroy petty-commodity or peasant production .
36 It is obviously highly desirable that middle-class youngsters and students drop out of smoking — even in this country , they do so in relatively high numbers — but that concentrates with an even stronger focus the efforts of the tobacco and advertising industries on youngsters who do not come from such categories .
37 Perhaps one could not live with such knowledge .
38 However , this does not provide any safeguard against the irresponsible customer who does not comply with such terms of the agreement or against the out and out rogue who , having paid his initial deposit , disappears with the goods without trace .
39 They were often talked about but not sung about : 'We do not sing about such things .
40 We are particularly pleased to introduce this change as our members who are unfortunate enough to already suffer from such disabilities can well do without having further obstacles put in their way in seeking to arrange Motor Insurance .
41 The Punjab governor , Mr S.S.Ray , said yesterday : ‘ Every time the Prime Minister comes to the state , such killings are organised but we will not succumb to such terror tactics . ’
42 He wanted an ultimate solution , and life does not deal in such simplifications .
43 Many employees do not worry about such matters until a dispute arises , but the provisions do enable employees and their advisers to obtain details of the main terms of the contract of employment without too much difficulty .
44 Throckmorton said that after he had spoken in the House against the Act in Restraint of Appeals , he had been praised by Fisher and two other clerics , Nicholas Wilson and Richard Reynolds [ qq.v. ] , who told him that he need not persevere with such speeches if they seemed to have no effect , but that his example might be of value to others .
45 I hope that the inquiry will underline the fact that , by and large , children do not lie about such matters and that the people who have now come forward as adults have probably been permanently damaged because no one would pay any attention to what they said .
46 The conceptual content required in this case to describe the institution , though it involves a great deal of cultural elaboration , does not display the same kind of break between the pre-cultural and the cultural as is found in the incest case ; and the biological pattern of explanation could recognizably run through such ideas as human beings finding certain institutions ‘ natural ’ , which does not require any appeal to a rational collective agency to understand the basic biological idea , as is damagingly the case with the incest example .
47 Conservative Members would be well advised to heed those words because all the contact that I have had with local government — I am not talking about Labour councillors , but about impartial experts — has shown that those experts believe that the council tax will eventually run into such trouble that it will become unworkable .
48 Since herbs do so much for the flavour of food and its digestion , have such profound use in medicine , both for humans and animals , and have so much utilitarian value domestically in the home , and in the garden , it seems most unlikely that they will ever fall into such disuse again .
49 If a claim is not provided by the agreed date , the Prime contractor may notify the Non-academic Parties responsible for that claim that it intends to submit a consolidated claim without including such missing claim and may thereafter proceed with such submission accordingly .
50 The rule in Grant 's case can not possibly apply to such circumstances .
51 In the middle of November the Eliots travelled to America , where he made five public appearances in order to pay for their forthcoming holiday in Barbados after Christmas — as long as he could " hobble up a stage " , he could still pay for such trips .
52 Women do usually live through such experiences .
53 Ashton broke this all-but-written law and communicated the exotic atmosphere of the dream but there was little to express the passion of love , which he would later convey in such works as A Month in the Country .
54 Central sensitisation may also occur in such cases as part of a secondary ‘ wind up ’ phenomenon in the dorsal horn .
55 The interchange agreement should also deal with such matters as authentication of messages , liability for errors and system failure , system and message security , record keeping and so on .
56 Mark could not really enter into such things .
57 ‘ Would you really go to such lengths ? ’
58 ‘ I flatter myself ’ , he wrote on the evening after he arrived home , ‘ that even our American friends must admit that nobody but a ‘ Britisher ’ would have been able to successfully cope with such difficulties . ’
59 Science would n't exist without such under-determination , since nature would dictate its correct explanations .
60 No , she must n't think of such things again .
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