Example sentences of "[adv] [vb infin] [adv] [that] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 You 'd better know now that I 've always avoided every snare set out for me , even those hidden in lush undergrowth … ’ he caressed her hair lightly , his eyes sultry , and then looked down towards the swell of her breasts ‘ … and innocent-looking hills and valleys . ’
2 ‘ Well , if your managing director is such a hot-shot , you 'd better watch out that he does n't want to pinch your job ! ’
3 Narrow driveage does n't necessarily mean then that there are coal pillars either side .
4 If we 're selling it , we 'd better point out that it 's a starting-point for civic virtue .
5 I do not think either that we can make sense of the Devil in the language of contemporary philosophy or science ; on the other hand neither do I believe that we should try and invent a modern mythology that makes the Devil more credible and accessible .
6 We did not think therefore that there was any merit in this ground of appeal .
7 I do not think then that we can ‘ blame ’ earlier generations for believing Christianity to be true .
8 It is when the noise becomes unbearable and we can no longer think rationally that we have to seek the aid of a psychologist .
9 Given the time-lag , this does not rule out that one or both of these sculptors worked on this temple in their youth ; but in the case of Alkamenes ( about whose career we hear a good deal ) it is a difficult supposition , and not very easy for Paionios .
10 It came at him again , and he could just make out that it was part of his bunk , one of the side panels .
11 I could just make out that she had a little smile at the corner of her lips .
12 Mr Barnes replies : ‘ I can not stress enough that we have sought sheep to import into the UK that are able to move freely without any signs of stilted action .
13 I did not know then that my work would destroy me and the people that I loved .
14 ‘ I left my home — I ruined my life , except that I did not know then that I was doing so ! — only because my par …
15 It did not matter now that he was stiff , itching , cold , and dry-mouthed with hunger .
16 We are of course aware that educational levels may be important at some stage , but we do not pre-classify in this way because we do not assume beforehand that we know the sociolinguistic structure of the speech community : this is what we are trying to find out !
17 They did n't just acknowledge gracefully that they 'd been beaten , or perhaps even that they had been wrong , and welcome their Reporter back .
18 But from this it does not follow either that we can dispense with identity or that identity is not really applicable to objects as ontological existents .
19 Of course , it does not follow necessarily that it is the cult that is responsible for the lower rate of suicide .
20 No , he wrote , because Diana herself does not acknowledge either that she has been waiting all her life for him to appear .
21 you , you could not work out that it was one pound fifty nine , you could , you could assume that it was a proportion of that six pound thirty five
22 he said and we 'll just jot down that you 've extended for twenty eight days .
23 The House of Lords did not decide either that it was , or that it was not .
24 The excuse of self-defence should also no longer apply now that there is the United Nations .
25 What to do in terms of scripts , what do we physically have here that we 're going to read from or not read from as the case may be .
26 ‘ Amin , my friend , did you not mention once that you had a relative in the Immigration Service here ? ’ he asked him .
27 When you say land is built-up , presumably you do not mean simply that there is a building that there has to be a building on the land .
28 Can we just mention there that we did have a problem at the weekend with the paper banks again .
29 Yes yeah it 's basically a question there to ensure that people do n't just put down that they 're whatever they 're doing just purely
30 Equally , if it decided to push ahead against a company , but withdrew in the face of firm resistance from the directors , word would soon get about that it was a pushover .
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