Example sentences of "[adv] [vb infin] [conj] [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I think I could probably send a return on Tuesday erm but I 'd rather wait because if I can send stuff properly done rather than you know done to the latest or or the the pre-latest system then I will .
2 I can only stress that when we return to our dingy little squats after a hard day baiting rock gods and ignoring letters from readers , there 's nothing we like better than a long listen to Pink Floyd 's ‘ Animals ’ or Mr Oldfield 's ‘ Ommadawn ’ while soaking our horny feet in a scalding bowl of mushroom chow mein .
3 ‘ The situation could arise whereby we all own different bits of the same story but we will only know that when we go to one of the television networks with a proposal . ’
4 No doubt some will defend the right to march on grounds of civil liberties for they will swiftly perceive that if I were to get my way , all kinds of trade union demonstrations to say nothing of peace marches would fall under the ban .
5 Even on the assumption that Yusuf Bali did draw up the original and not just the copy , it does not by any means necessarily follow that he was acting as in so doing ; nor , further , does it necessarily follow that if he were acting as he was doing so in his father 's absence from Bursa , much less his absence on the pilgrimage .
6 ‘ We will obviously monitor everything that goes on over the next 12 months ’ , he says ‘ We can only hope that when we do our assessments of need we can support that need with the finances we 've been given .
7 She could only hope that when he had recovered from jet lag he would have second thoughts and leave Garry to go his own way .
8 We 'll only garrison that if we 're forced back to it . ’
9 Plato , after all , might never have thought of Atlantis ; and similarly Homer might never have thought of Achilles ; although this does not necessarily mean that if they did exist , they pre-existed thought in an absolute sense .
10 Let's , you know I mean Judith 's saying , well I 've got some good work sheets on this , I mean we can all say that if we all know where the work sheets are
11 The point I 'm going to make is that erm , if we are n't going to get through the year and we 're all going to have to take a percentage of our March allowances because the money 's run out and we 're cash limited even if we give ourselves five percent extra , erm , could I get an assurance from the officers that the people that have n't put in their forms will get a note to remind them to do so , so that everybody is in there , you wo n't suddenly find that because you have n't had your claim form in by the fourteenth you 're gon na get nothing and everybody else is gon na get something .
12 That is not to say , however , that such moments do not exist or that they do not have a profound and often life-changing effect on the person who experiences them .
13 The fact that the Anonymous Fellowships are not run by the medical profession does not mean that they do not exist or that they do not work except for a handful of rather strange zealots .
14 The tremendous variation in the experiences of First , Second and Third World countries in terms of income , population , foreign trade , resources , quality of life and blocs might lead the faint-hearted to conclude that the global system either does not exist or that it is so hopelessly complex that there is no point in trying to conceptualize it at all .
15 It can both suggest that an effect previously believed to exist does not exist and that one thought not to exist does exist .
16 You may think , for example , that this type does not exist and that it is inaccessible , not human , and that there is no such person as this , that it is utopian .
17 On a lease purchase contract , this clause does not exist and if you regularly fail to pay properly , the Leasing Company will arrive , fly your plane away and auction it — and then collect from you the difference between what is outstanding on the lease and the amount realised at sale .
18 ‘ You must not think that because I live simply here I am poor .
19 Sorry can you just explain that when you say .
20 I may not answer and if I am doing your mouth I shall tell you so . ’
21 In other words , they will not count as though they were adults in a household .
22 Abrams argued that traditional neighbourliness will not survive and that its passing is not to be deplored , because it was so often a reaction to adverse social conditions .
23 ‘ I only know that there is more that I do not know than that I know , , I answered .
24 Well we 'll not , we 'll not know that until we 've actually sent somebody on it , which is what we what
25 The hon. Member for Thurrock asked whether I did not know that if one took economic resources from one area and instilled them into others that was merely a way of upsetting the ordinary economic mechanism and that it did not result in any advances .
26 When questioned further very few of them thought of this God or power as a man , but either as a person without a body or as something like air or gas , and a few said they did not know or that there was no God .
27 By next week there will be two rooms ready for occupation but whether I will find takers I do not know or if I will be up to providing the services required .
28 She did not feel as though she had anything to celebrate .
29 We can no longer assume that because someone can do the job they can teach the skill .
30 I wish my right hon. Friend luck in his negotiations over the common agricultural policy , but I do not believe that if it were modified , as a result of my right hon. Friend 's efforts , to suit all our needs , the British farming industry would be able to take sufficient advantage of the improved conditions if its own marketing arrangements had not also been improved .
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