Example sentences of "[adv] [vb infin] [pron] [v-ing] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 You and Daryl where in the first form room before afternoon school and I 'm sure we 'll all remember you saying you 'd like to put a spider down Mary Lou 's neck .
2 It would be worth it , if it put an end to such irritations as the inconvenient way I 'd suddenly find myself visualising you when I was with other women …
3 ‘ There are some suggestions I made for changes but this would not prevent me signing it .
4 However , from the moment he entered the Mess he was quite an outstanding character — and I hope he will not mind me mentioning it — against a rich harvest of exceptional characters at that time .
5 If he did not know that , I do not mind him admitting it , but it is extraordinary ignorance on his part .
6 I do hope the senders do not mind my reproducing them , but they certainly brightened Mike 's and my days as we slogged through the sorting and despatching process :
7 My dad always used to say that we could not afford lunch , although , I have to say , this did not stop him eating it .
8 There was no way the police could hold Philip Drew , but this did not stop them following him .
9 I had tried hard to destroy all feelings of love for him , but now that I saw him again , I could not stop myself loving him .
10 The Minister 's only defence I do not recall him using it in Committee — against the charge that he is wantonly selling public assets cheaply is that we always have recourse to the Public Accounts Committee .
11 You may say that you could hardly trust me saying it because I 'm wealthy enough to be able to come here from Japan to study .
12 it must have poured on us but I ca n't ever remember it raining You know there was when we used to go to Deerness I had very long hair and we And Kirkwall was n't just the cleanest of place at places at that time .
13 While this might stop the behaviour it might also stop him ringing you when he is really in difficulties .
14 I would often see her watching me as I played in the fields .
15 I can understand the reason for other people having them , but I ca n't really see myself having it .
16 ‘ I do n't recollect you measurin' me . ’
17 So obviously if Mike 's been chosen once or he 's done it he does n't want somebody asking him again .
18 It 's just that sometimes — well , I do n't even know if we have a relationship , and I do n't want him thinking he can take me for granted . ’
19 I was even glad now I 'd had trouble with the M-16 ; did n't want him thinking I was too handy with weapons .
20 I did n't want him thinking I 'd only fired in self-defence .
21 She did n't want him thinking she was a slag .
22 She did n't want him following her to the bedroom .
23 She placed the cheque in her bag , let herself out through the back way and , checking that Ryan had gone , because she did n't want him following her , she walked along the lane , careful not to trip on muddy ruts .
24 I do n't want him asking me questions like where I 'm going and stuff like that , just in case he tells Mr Jackson .
25 ‘ But ’ Agnes decided ‘ even if it was the Secret Service we do n't want them knowing you 're off to St Louis and points West any more then we want the Bravoes …
26 We do n't want them thinking they 've been sold short or rumbled . ’
27 Bit my lip — did n't want them dragging me back in there for a patient .
28 I did n't want them noticing me even a little .
29 And we do n't want them fighting us . "
30 ‘ Let's just say I would n't want them protecting me , ’ Whitlock replied .
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