Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [noun prp] [adv] to " in BNC.

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1 Since that time , and despite further hostilities in 1965 , the 1949 ceasefire line or " line of control " had separated Azad Kashmir ( " Free Kashmir " — the northern Pakistani-controlled sector ) from Indian-administered Kashmir , which together with Jammu further to the south made up the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir .
2 One only has to read out their names — Sir Julian , Sir Geoffrey , Sir Michael and Sir Robin et al , to be transported back if not to Camelot then to an Excalibur lager commercial .
3 Wembley was witnessing a classic … the drama thundered on … three goal scoring chances were conjured up by Swindon only to be magiced away by Leicester …
4 The Square of Pegasus is high in the north , with two of its stars pointing upward to Fomalhaut close to the zenith .
5 Indeed from Pagham eastward to Brighton the development is almost continuous , apart from the river mouths and a 5km. strip west of Littlehampton .
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