Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [noun pl] with the " in BNC.

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1 That is bad enough for nurses with the basic qualification , but it will be an absolute waste of training and experience if we do not retain within the NHS those who are qualified to be nurse prescribers .
2 For these reasons Parliament can not be taken to have been legislating only for transactions with the two classes of persons within Hambros Jersey 's suggested limitation .
3 So I 'll simply suggest , on as yet limited evidence , that of the present nap-hand or so of offspinners with the apparent potential to elevate their status .
4 The transmitted beam consists only of photons with the perpendicular polarisation .
5 And of course in a scheme like that many details have to be worked out especially in negotiations with the bus company for the figure we have put in is I think a realistic figure for the first year of the scheme .
6 It 's true that that is a common feature really from the time of for the last five hundred million years , from the time of the earliest fish to ourselves and to the birds and everybody else , but it 's like that not because there is some kind of profound law of form , which says that 's the kind of organism which is in permitted by the laws of development to arise , erm I mean the law form would be something like erm a law of physics which says that if objects move round the sun they 're going to do so in ellipses with the sun at one focus .
7 A specific focus of the research is to study how children work together in groups with the computer .
8 New research shows that if penicillin is given early enough to patients with the deadly bacterial form of the disease , they have a much better chance of survival .
9 Merton 's emergence in the public eye has been steady , and somewhat at odds with the prevailing comedy spirit .
10 Our measurements show that cooling is predominant , resulting in renewed convection , and is therefore somewhat at odds with the model results .
11 This equity was not always easily achieved , however , since the organisation and philosophy of schooling in some divisions was somewhat at odds with the values embraced by the project .
12 ‘ And I 'll tell you again , ’ she returned with a bravado somewhat at odds with the way she was feeling .
13 The Cumberbatch survey produced some other interesting findings , some apparently at odds with the conclusions above .
14 Research on interests in local politics , and research on the " third world " of groups at the national level with only limited and sporadic access to government , has revealed a picture of the interest-group world starkly at odds with the rosy optimism of the pluralist perspective .
15 Such behavioural modes are not greatly at odds with the thermoregulative techniques of reptilian heliotherms which vary their body stance according to the angle of the Sun 's rays .
16 Until comparatively recently this hope looked greatly at odds with the realities of international law which was prepared to acknowledge the sovereignty and hence the legality of states whose boundaries or existence are the result of force , uphold treaties imposed by coercion , and in general allow that war is an international sphere .
17 John Nelson , a communications consultant has been examining them on behalf of the Sunday Times and his conclusions are greatly at odds with the story so far .
18 John Nelson , a communications consultant has been examining them on behalf of the Sunday Times and his conclusions are greatly at odds with the story so far .
19 Tiring of the distant ceremonies and speeches and festivities , so at odds with the gangrenous suffering inside the city — climax to so much other death on Stalinvast — Jaq opened a case keyed to the electronic tattoo on his palm and removed a small package of flayed , cured mutant skin .
20 Our priority must now be to consider anew not only the proliferation of nuclear weapons but how we can reverse that trend , which is so at odds with the end of the cold war .
21 He was constantly at loggerheads with the Worshipful Company of Clockmakers , who controlled the London trade , and he did not join the Company until 1656 , when his freedom was granted by direct order of Oliver Cromwell , whose cause he supported during the civil war .
22 She , and not Mr Kinnock , is constantly at odds with the European Community and the Commonwealth .
23 He was constantly at odds with the Professional Golfers ' Association , once declining to play in the Ryder Cup match because of petty restrictions put on the players .
24 The use of scientific instruments in particular means that scientific perception is constantly at odds with the experience of everyday perception .
25 This important thought has been constantly at odds with the equally influential notion that we are all blank paper at birth , ready to be entirely formed by our society .
26 ( Light is slowed down by interactions with the air molecules . )
27 There is little literature on the subject so the research has been carried out largely through interviews with the organisations and individuals influential in electronic book development and through a direct review by the author of a range of electronic book products .
28 By now , the candidates are being called out individually for interviews with the backbench MPs .
29 Forty postal workers have returned to normal working tonight after talks with the Post Office management .
30 A papal Secretaria Apostolica in Rome for carrying on official correspondence had its functions defined by Pope Innocent VIII in 1487 ; and by the early sixteenth century a quite extensive and well-organised papal secretariat concerned largely with relations with the secular states of Europe had developed .
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