Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [noun sg] [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Since alimenta are clearly fungible objects , it is quite enough for judgment to be given in a sum of money , and no doubt this ( as the simpler course ) was what was done .
2 Graham Tennant , 81 , was cured of cancer because a scanner machine at the South Cleveland Hospital identified a kidney tumour early enough for action to be taken .
3 Serious Koi-keepers should have such a system installed as a matter of course , for if a fish falls sick in winter it will need to be gradually warmed up until its immune system again begins to function , and until the water temperature is high enough for medication to be effective .
4 In the same week in which President Bush appeared on national television brandishing $3,200 worth of cocaine ( coercively obtained from a dealer who was dragged a block or two nearer the White House ) to raise the air-time mileage he earns on drugs , it did not take long for outrage to be expressed .
5 Equally , landfill will continue to be an important part of our strategy , not least because there are more opportunities annually for landfill to be created , as more sand and gravel continues to be extracted and landfill sites filled .
6 A further facet of " rationality " applied to housing design was the assumption that a house was efficient if it was small enough in size to be cleaned by one woman .
7 It is an additional fact , too important in practice to be called incidental but not necessary enough in theory to be called inevitable , that these causal arrows have become bundled up .
8 It may just be a question of getting up ten minutes earlier in the morning or taking ten minutes when you get in from work to be alone and to reflect and relax .
9 The division of labor develops as there are more individuals sufficiently in contact to be able to act and react upon one another …
10 For instance , someone who expresses her opinion of a friend 's appearance very vaguely may be suspected of doing so in order to be polite ( saving others ' face is a common motive for vagueness , untruthfulness and withholding information ) .
11 So in order to be true , Rabbit 's statement must be correlated with what in the circumstances it says it signifies ( namely honey ) .
12 The pains themselves , since he is aware of them only in order to be assured of his sovereignty , remain on the boundaries of an awareness always centred on his own reactions to them .
13 This accumulation of nonsense is expressed in dreams which are created only in order to be forgotten .
14 I rather like to think of myself as one of those old retainer figures that you find in Shakespeare , trusted servants or common soldiers , unremarkable in themselves , but loyal in their allegiances , sadly wise but powerless to prevent calamity , useful only in knowledge to be passed to others or sometimes trusted with the guardianship of a precious child , the redemptive agent of unhappy kingdoms or unhappy kings .
15 For the latter lot , only ‘ The Hair Pillow ’ , illuminated by singer Craig Wedren 's glorious , bizarre falsetto , sticks close enough to convention to be more a pleasure than an endurance test .
16 Whatever may be its points of similarity to , or difference from , other countries ' villages as social institutions , it has very special qualities of picturesqueness , not of course to be confused with quaintness .
17 That for Paul has been the gift of revelation , as the most significant turning point of his life , away from self to be moving now towards God .
18 Because the maintain that you need to le , a certain amount of time away from work to be able to cope with the situation that you 're in , and you 're , you 're not going to be at your best at the time when they want you there .
19 The LTA are not in existence to be magazine publishers .
20 And now that I have become a partner in business I can work from very early and right through in order to be free at night to train .
21 We know that many of them may well have undergone long and arduous journeys , having travelled many miles across many frontiers and indeed possibly even across many continents just in order to be with us here tonight .
22 The buildings were damaged by the fall of the campanile but rebuilt , just in time to be almost completely razed by fire .
23 The last secondary modern school in Banbury , nearly twenty years after the Act , had been established just in time to be reorganized .
24 Then a little further out blazes a great American packet ( the Roraima ) , which arrived on the scene just in time to be overwhelmed by the catastrophe .
25 James Menzies had locked up his warehouse for the day and come over in time to be included in the lengthening list .
26 Younger workers , observing this , have turned elsewhere in order to be part of a more enlightened and progressive industry .
27 ‘ I believe you do it deliberately in order to be punished . ’
28 Unlike other single women , Elaine can not stay out late at night : she has to be home in time to be put to bed by a nurse .
29 Mrs Goodhaven went to a committee meeting , then home in time to be there when you telephoned .
30 We arrived home at lunchtime to be greeted by salad !
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