Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] those who could " in BNC.

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1 The assumption was that insurance would be paid only by those who could afford it while those who could not afford to pay would be exempt .
2 Important or insignificant , customs appointments were , however , obtainable only by those who could expect a political favour , and many of the officers were in fact the nominees of a member of parliament and often the active partisans of that politician .
3 When he lectured at Harvard in this year , policemen had to control the crowds who came out to see him , and loudspeakers were set up for those who could not get into the auditorium .
4 The result was a system in which the government never changed hands , but instead was carried out by those who could be trusted to look after the affairs of state .
5 There were even Jacobite ballads , some of them performed by itinerant singers ; in this way , the Jacobite message could be transmitted even to those who could not read .
6 Charles the Cheesemonger had signed his marriage certificate with a cross — a common enough occurrence , in the event , even among those who could read and write if they put their minds to it .
7 Money remained the dominant concern this year , perhaps most keenly among those who could not attend .
8 Whilst the inconclusive debate between monogenists and polygenists in anthropology , and the influence of Christianity and political liberalism , somewhat tempered the ethnocentrism of scientific and official attitudes , the Darwinian revolution swept away many of the restraints which checked the development of racist views , at least for those who could see no difference between evolution in the natural world and human achievements .
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