Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] what [is] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 manual worker — prepared to do anything at any time at very short notice regardless of what is in the oven ;
2 It was the philosophy of Epictetus that man must concern himself only with what is under his control ; what is under his control is his opinion about things and nothing else .
3 Yet the other day I was listening to an eminent conductor whose Bruckner is often much praised reaching a triple forte long before what is to me self-evidently the work 's pivotal climax .
4 Living up here in the wilds of Geordieland I do n't tend to find out much except what is in the national press ( in other words bugger all ) .
5 Essentialist RE therefore encourages a particular teaching style : a method which homes in on what is of central importance and relevance for each pupil .
6 We pay attention only to what is in the interests of an animal , since it is incapable of the awareness that it has an interest .
7 But I mean the the panel is going to have to explore this apparent conflict which I do n't think 's been properly papered over between what is in paragraph five of P P G one and section fifty four A. Er it 's a nice dilemma which we 're we 're faced the planning profession as a whole is faced with erm and and I think that either it 's section fifty four A or it 's paragraph five of P P , P P G one .
8 There are philosophical problems about this kind of approach to paintings : if the artist paints so that what is on the canvas looks to him just like what is in front of him , then the astigmatism or other defects ought to cancel out and his picture look all right to us .
9 It 's a chance to learn more about what 's in store .
10 It may be based as Connelly v. Director of Public Prosecutions [ 1964 ] A.C. 1254 itself was , on the allegation that the defendant is being prosecuted more than once for what is in effect the same offence .
11 Their discoveries built their confidence to look further into what is around them .
12 And this does n't tie up with what 's in the back of the book .
13 This brings the time of resuming sexual relations right up to what is for most women the most fertile time of the month .
14 YOUR editorial ‘ Home Truths ’ ( BT 17/8/93 ) together with map B ( BT page 2 20/5/93 ) point clearly to what is by far the best solution to our present predicament in this province ; viz re-partition .
15 MORTGAGES NOW The housing market is running at half the volume of four years ago , but borrowers need to look carefully at what 's on offer from lenders
16 It 's now about what 's in here , ’ said Morgan , pointing to his heart , ‘ and what it means to them . ’
17 Yes , erm tha that 's that 's an explanation really of what is in the picture and somebody comments on it in in in order to suggest what the point being made is .
18 Is it going to be based really on what 's in the
19 This means that our assessments of what is on offer are not governed solely by what is before us .
20 Yeah I think though , I mean it comes back to sort of wanting to know , we 're just talking again about what 's on
21 There is such a tremendous difference between terribly good television pictures and the real world ; people become addicted to looking at it instead of what 's about them .
22 Oh no we 'll have er the videos that we 're gon na watch you know I 've got twenty odd videos there and we 're not using any of them , apart from what 's on the top , we 're gradually filling these up
23 Richard Barnett on the thorny subject of setaside.Time for a break now , and then we 'll be looking round at what 's on offer to the visitor at this year 's show .
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