Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] be [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Cases sometimes tread uneasily between being trying to be funny and pointing to serious danger .
2 Careful management of such clumps can result in the production of high-quality timber while the areas in between are available for the natural regeneration of trees , shrubs and ground flora .
3 He went to bed late and rose early , and the space in between was lively with frequent , prolonged and energetic sex .
4 In between were dozens of movies whose heroines were all the things the rest of us knew we could be , given the time and the place .
5 Being so close to Lord Byron was somewhat like being close to big game — a lion encountered at the foot of Kilimanjaro .
6 But faced suddenly with being alone through bereavement or divorce , or gradually through the natural lessening of family ties and dependency , we may find ourselves feeling very differently , remembering with nostalgia the days when we were so busy , needed and surrounded by others .
7 His motive was probably connected with the part of the text which says that the estates of Christ Church and other Kentish churches are henceforth to be free of all secular service and royal debt .
8 Better to be good to him — be specially good to him .
9 She added , by way of conversation , that she must wait patiently to be relieved of the burden of living .
10 Every time I have to strike my heart is in my mouth , and although I do not consciously hold back when I strike , I wonder if I am doing so without being aware of it .
11 The outstretched arms of the great statue of Christ overlooking Rio no longer appear to the inhabitants of the favelas below to be open in benediction or welcome ; in this city of violence , insecurity and ravaged humanity , it appears to be rather a gesture of resignation and despair .
12 Liza appeared not merely to be uninterested in her child , but positively to reject the dark-haired , red-faced bundle who Harriet felt more certain than ever had not been fathered by John Carrow .
13 They are short enough to be accessible to the pre-intermediate learner , and students will be pleased with their progress in understanding spoken English .
14 The area was about four hours away from Edinburgh or Glasgow — near enough to be accessible for weekends , far enough to be considered remote .
15 Those Merseyside bastards are hellbent on destroyin' themselves and every poor management sod unlucky enough to be involved with the plant .
16 This obviously causes a minor slow down in perceived performance as far as the SX chip is concerned , but the percentage difference is small enough to be negligible in real world applications .
17 In this land of two nations he was not big enough to be one of the just .
18 Her object , a northern Irish succentor who looked , in spite of his beard , young enough to be one of his own choir boys , smiled back at her with real warmth .
19 I was lucky enough to be one of the ten .
20 ‘ I was lucky enough to be one of the extras .
21 But actually it 's the reverse , since it 's a struggle to get detached and find a perspective that balances my own inside knowledge against the spectrum of differing views of their fans , detractors and those unfortunate enough to be indifferent to them .
22 It was his own fault for having been conceited enough to be pleasant to her on the morning of the read-through .
23 The answer to that is simply to make sure that we use radiation of a wavelength short enough to be compatible with whatever accuracy we choose to specify .
24 This period was not one he was particularly expert in , but he knew enough to be impressed by the handiwork .
25 ‘ The advanced 16v engine delivers real power , and the car is still small enough to be zippy around town . ’
26 Wedgwood , traditionally more successful , experienced a rather worrying drop in profits , from I£17.9m to I£12.8m but will benefit from recent action to reduce costs by closing three old and inefficient production facilities — one of which is old enough to be subject to a preservation order .
27 A novelty is F£ minor , rare enough to be absent from every theorist 's list , and which Campra had used before only in passing modulations .
28 He was angry enough to be violent in his defence of her , angry enough to be jealous when she kept out of his way .
29 The cold fusion with muons , ‘ muon catalysed fusion ’ , can occur and has been seen to happen ; however , it does not seem to happen fast enough to be useful as an energy source .
30 Traditional Keynesian analysis required government to intervene in the economy to affect the total level of demand for goods and services , and to ensure that this level was high enough to be consistent with full employment and not so high that inflation was generated or a balance of payments crisis precipitated .
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