Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [adj] have [been] " in BNC.

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1 With the FTSE staging a modest recovery to be 6.5 down at 3032.1 having been 16.5 off immediately dealing began , City analysts believe the 100-index will fall to the 3000 level if the weakness on the New York stock market continues .
2 It was built in 1829–30 , but already by 1844 had been relegated to use as a goods station as railway development speeded ahead .
3 Side-by-side with this has been a greater emphasis on the link with organizational behaviour and decision analysis , with a growing recognition of the importance of political processes within firms , quite apart from those around them .
4 Although up to eight have been seen in one year , Bitterns are not annual in Sussex .
5 Most records are of single birds , but up to five have been recorded in one area at the same time and there is possibly a tendency for groups of up to four to appear more often .
6 Furthermore , differences in the EC 5 of up to 1000-fold have been reported for chloroquine between parasites from a single geographical region .
7 Most are seen singly or in twos and threes , but up to 10 have been recorded together and , in 1963 a party of 50 was seen at Burpham on 30 January , and another , which finally totalled 29 , was present at Weir Wood Reservoir in March .
8 The cash increases in each of the three years up to 1992–93 have been the biggest ever .
9 Peak numbers are usually noted in September , when flocks totalling up to 1,600 have been noted in Chichester and Pagham Harbours and flocks of up to 200 have been seen elsewhere along the coast .
10 In winter Great Crested Grebes are most common on the sea , particularly in Rye Bay , where up to 500 have been seen together ( 20 February 1949 ) .
11 The females lay their huge eggs in the same nest scrape ( up to sixty have been found in one nest ) .
12 Relief agencies estimated that around 400 people had been killed in the September fighting in Mogadishu , and up to 1,500 had been injured .
13 Fewer birds are involved than in spring , but up to 75 have been seen passing down the Channel in a day , and once 200 ( 19 November 1972 , Selsey Bill ) .
14 There are a few records for June and July , when up to four have been seen together .
15 This week up to 20 have been reported in the grounds of Darlington College of Technology , 45 in Jesmond , Newcastle , and a smaller group at East Boldon , South Tyneside , while there have also been further sightings in Washington .
16 Since 1962 counts of up to 60 have been made in winter at Chichester gravel pits , and of up to 30 at Weir Wood Reservoir , with small numbers regular elsewhere .
17 Substantial flocks are also found between Pett Level and Rye Harbour in the autumn and particularly the winter , when up to 800 have been noted .
18 Most are recorded at the coast , particularly in the western harbours and at Rye Harbour , but inland records are frequent from autumn to spring , and up to 65 have been seen at Chichester gravel pits .
19 My movements up to this had been quite natural , and if I could continue to make her think I was unaware of her presence , she would possibly give me a second chance .
20 The events leading up to this have been much studied in the development of the Dipteran puparium , in which the quinones apparently arise by oxidation of a phenolic substrate N-acetyldopamine , itself derived from tyrosine ( Karlson and Sekeris , 1966 ) .
21 More recently the largest concentrations noted there were about 200 on 4 December 1967 , and 30 December 1968 , and concentrations of up to 150 have been seen off the coast between Brighton and Rottingdean .
22 Similar numbers to the spring are involved , and passage peaks in mid-August , particularly the second week of the month ; up to 23 have been recorded together .
23 Parties of up to 23 have been involved and , in general Avocets , are now likely to be met in small parties quite as often as singly in the county .
24 Peak numbers are usually noted in September , when flocks totalling up to 1,600 have been noted in Chichester and Pagham Harbours and flocks of up to 200 have been seen elsewhere along the coast .
25 Larger numbers occur on spring passage , when up to 300 have been recorded together ( 8 May 1951 , Rye Bay ) .
26 However , this only represents a proportion of the total wintering population , as other localities are known to attract substantial flocks ; for example , up to 250 have been recorded recently at Warnham Mill Pond and the Adur Levels , up to 300 at Pevensey Levels , up to 450 at Swanbourne Lake , and 500 in Lewes Brooks .
27 For example , up to 105 have been seen at Manhood End , 80 at Harting pond , 70 at Swanbourne Lake , 105 in the Arun valley , and 30 at Rodmell , all since 1965 .
28 In one road , ten homes out of sixteen have been burgled in the last six months , one of them four times .
29 Two seats out of three have been won for no more than 42.5% of the votes , and two out of four for only 24.2% .
30 The schemes provide for 1,343 community councils to be established ( McQueen , freeman 1978:2 ) of which approximately nine out of ten had been formed by mid-1978 ( Masterson 1979:106 ) .
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