Example sentences of "[adv] [noun sg] [be] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 She decided that perhaps honesty was going to be the best policy after all .
2 At five o'clock tea was served to the Empress and about 20 of her guests , the groups being so organized that in the course of a week all of them enjoyed this privilege , thus avoiding any outbursts of jealousy or recrimination .
3 If no excuse had been sent he called on the parents , so truancy was kept to a minimum .
4 For housewives who do receive appreciative comments from husbands , this positive reward is often conditional , and therefore hardly an improvement on a situation in which only failure is referred to :
5 Clearly , in informal discourse situations less importance is attached to linguistic non-fluency but Anderson 's frequent performance errors here suggest his unease .
6 In this study , when only histamine was given to nude mice , increased vascular permeability mediated by intercation with histamine 1 receptor may have led to an enhancement of xenograft growth due to increased diffusion of nutrents etc , in addition to direct proliferative effects by a histamine 2 receptor .
7 In this country only lip-service is paid to the handicapped : A few concrete ramps and most councils think they have given the earth .
8 So motherhood is tied to economic conditions , to deeper changes .
9 The torque per unit volume of the permanent-magnet stepping motor is relatively poor , so production is limited to the smallest sizes .
10 Payton had been hauled down by Penney , so justice was seen to be done when he hit Mohan 's free-kick past Veysey .
11 Soon after work began however , it was found that there were serious problems in making a secure , stable base for the embankment and thus progress was brought to a halt .
12 ‘ Recent ’ in this case seems to mean c1990 ; thus reference is made to proposals for Manchester 's Metrolink to run in the City Centre , while the changes wrought by the Transport and Works Act 1992 are barely anticipated .
13 If the outcome of this case depends upon whether or not reference is made to Hansard , how should the matter proceed in the face of the warnings of the Attorney-General that such references might constitute a breach of parliamentary privilege ?
14 Thus priority is given to the statements of senior police and politicians , partly because they are more readily available and willing to be contacted than rioters or their grass-roots representatives ; and partly because they are more able to deliver quotable material — an invaluable resource when strict deadlines must be met .
15 Thus priority is given to existing employees in the allocation of individuals to posts , and entry points to the system are at the lowest level of any particular hierarchy .
16 After the demonstration , television film crew members , who only yesterday morning were reported to be ‘ under surveillance , ’ were lecturing to their own crowds of supporters .
17 She had to face up to the fact that her father meant business , and that once more Ace was going to be put into an impossible position because of her .
18 As potential functional weaknesses emerge during the design appraisal further consideration is given to what functions might be allocated to the man or machine to provide greater mutual support .
19 Also through him many others from Europe and countries further East were introduced to gardeners on the other side of the Atlantic .
20 I , I do n't believe that to be the case because further information was provided to the er legal representatives of the prospective purchase indicating very clearly that the brochures were an estimate , or the costs in the brochures were an estimate or the cost in the brochures were an estimate and therefore it would be subject to adjustment
21 ‘ I would say more generally that whenever money is paid to the revenue pending the outcome of a dispute which , to the knowledge of both parties , will determine whether or not the revenue are entitled to the money , an agreement for the repayment of the money if and when the dispute is resolved in the taxpayer 's favour must inevitably be implied unless the statute itself produces that result , as it does , for example , in cases falling within paragraph 10(4) of Schedule 20 to the Finance Act 1972 .
22 The follow up study was restricted to participants from the first study who were 25 to 74 years of age at baseline .
23 1 November ( All Saints ' Day ) is Pão-por-Deus ( ‘ Bread for God ’ ) when traditionally bread was given to the poor in the city to obtain a blessing on the souls of the departed .
24 Hence priority was given to a recovery programme whereby the Americans hoped to trade massive financial aid for the creation of the sort of Western Europe which would meet America 's economic and strategic interests .
25 The follow up questionnaire was sent to the parents of the 174 children with idiopathic chronic constipation who were of school age .
26 However , whenever TEST_MODE is set to FALSE they will be entered into LIFESPAN , provided they satisfy the criteria defined above .
27 Now reference was made to the police finance working party which met for a long period of time , and unfortunately made no progress whatsoever in zero base budgeting .
28 Well , I think that really education is going to be the most important thing .
29 Now Cruelty is going to be called as cruel because that 's the way allegorical poetry works .
30 Now Cruelty is going to be shown as cruel , because that 's the way allegorical poetry works .
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