Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] its first [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Science International certainly ranged widely during its first week , as well as getting across a few simple principles .
2 Mr Lamont said that the national lottery 's success would be kept under review , with the 12 per cent tax rate maintained only for its first year .
3 So for its first half-century , after Weisthenes , the Athenian Council was an unpaid elected body , something which gave it an elite character which it may never wholly have lost .
4 MOTORIST Janet Glover put her new £10,000 Toyota Corolla in for its first service — and got it back with an unwanted extra .
5 The growth of the trust owed much to its first chairman , Sir Henry Dale ( see Chapter 4 ) .
6 The young toad 's growth rate depends , as does that of most amphibians , on the supply of food , but typically a toadlet will leave its pond when 8–9mm long , and will measure 40mm or so on its first birthday .
7 The Front 's formation the previous spring had been backed by Ferlinghetti , Rexroth , Bill Graham — whose role as a rock promoter around the Filmore ballroom was just emerging and Ralph J. Gleason , then a little known San Francisco Chronicle columnist , later one of the main inspirations , and writers on Jann Wenner 's Rolling Stone , just a year away from its first edition .
8 She skirted a hen house , not in its first youth but stalwart enough to keep out foxes .
9 The local radio had reported that someone had heard a skylark singing , and that in Lerwick a blackbird was already on its first clutch of catfood .
10 As yet , OmniPoint is still in its first release , with OmniPoint 2 set for the end of 1994 .
11 Johnson 's cold , still in its first phase — three days coming , three days staying , three days going — was getting worse .
12 He had already admired Animal Farm which , as he tells in his diary ( 31 August 1945 ) , he read promptly on its first appearance to spite his cousin Claud Cockburn , who as a loyal Communist Party man had warned him against reading Trotskyite literature .
13 Ever since its first exhibition in 1948 , which brought works by De Chirico , Man Ray , Picasso , Francis Bacon and others to the public attention , the ICA has risen to the challenge of supporting the innovative or the unfamiliar with considerable energy .
14 The work of the council is in the main carried out in committees of the council which are set up by the council usually at its first meeting after the election is over .
15 Ray Hanna too G–FIRE up for its first test flight on March 14 , 1981 , in primer .
16 Irvine , California-based technology holding company Helionetics Inc has signed a binding letter of intent to acquire Sentinel Systems Inc , which is designing the Sentry-E fault-tolerant computer in Horsham , Pennsylvania and has a ‘ major telecommunications company ’ lined up as its first customer .
17 The fanfare seized up on its first chord and then seemed to fall over itself , collapsing in a welter of notes .
18 ‘ Railway Days in Strabane ’ by local enthusiasts Willie Carlin , George Hare and Jim Tinniney , has already sold out of its first print run of 2,000 copies issued last November .
19 The word ‘ anticipatory ’ falls limply from its first syllable in its attempt to describe the atmosphere , recharged from row to row .
20 Now in its first phase of implementation , this Programme aims to foster the creation of team-managed , fast-growth , export-oriented new businesses .
21 He covered his eyes with both hands and walked the path of his life backwards , back to its first source , and was again young , quite young .
22 Last week , practically at the last minute , it reportedly decided to press the code for a 30-way system on to its first CD-ROM .
23 She set her alarm clock to go off at hourly intervals throughout the night , but even before its first summons she was disturbed .
24 Throughout her reign , and particularly in its first decade or so , noble factions and the struggles between them did much to restrict her freedom of action : in 1772–73 the conflict at court between the rival Panin and Orlov parties for a time deprived her almost completely of any such freedom .
25 It is evident that even at seventeen Nietzsche took life and his own views on it with great seriousness ; also , that implicit in those views was an uneasy relationship , here in its first stage , between the inevitable " mere specialism " of the professional classical scholar and a growing " longing for Greece " .
26 CENSORS have sliced 30 F-words from the movie Die Hard for its first screening on British television .
27 Some of the limitations placed on the cast stemmed directly from the immediate and mass popularity Doctor Who enjoyed almost from its first week on air .
28 When he reflected on how age and death laid waste man 's being , and saw a means of interfering with that process , he acted as harbinger to the Age of Science then in its first dawn .
29 SCO hopes the new programme will help it focus on three markets — retail , finance and government — and its expects to sell 1,500 developers kits there in its first year — between 400 — 500 of them in Europe .
30 Apple Records got off to a fine start when its first release , Hey Jude , sold three million worldwide in its first month .
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