Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] we [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 He says being a little forgiving I could praps forgive them a little for us on the 1952 test , the first , but I ca n't forgive them for what they did to these other lads on the later tests , they must have known something from Nagasaki , Hiroshima and Bikini atoll tests .
2 As he did this a Maltese feller started striding slowly but purposefully towards us from the back of the club .
3 The Lord Chancellor , travelling down with us in the train , took Mollie a bet of 5 to 5s. that he would not stand .
4 ‘ I do n't know , ’ I replied , ‘ It 's just as bad back at Brigade H.Q We also have the Navy dug in with us in the orchard .
5 Ultimately we were given that assurance and er we were quite proud of the fact that , you know , the members had gone along with us on the proviso that we had got that principle you know , to establish .
6 These are now part of planning history , but it is live history : the issues are still very much with us in the 1980s , and there is no guarantee that the current resolution of them will prove sufficiently resilient to withstand the unpredictable changes in the context within which they operate .
7 The sun seared down on us through the thin air , and when we slowed and turned our own cloud of dust enveloped us .
8 Singly and in groups , these aristocratic figures look down on us from the walls of the Crousel-Robelin-Bama gallery , proud survivors of a vanishing world .
9 International art , culture and politics , as immortalised by Pino Settanni , look down on us from the walls of the Hadrian Thomas gallery until 28 June .
10 We have a traditional culture , which comes down to us from the time of the Renaissance , and our literature , which is rich , draws its life blood therefrom .
11 The mutilated text of the passage of Polybius has come down to us in the Excerpta de sententiis and the keyword " he wept " , has to be supplied from Diodorus ( 32.24 ) with the support of Appian , Punica 132 : they are known to have used Polybius directly or indirectly .
12 But they still raped our country , disgraced us , pissed all over us for the crimes of fifty years ago .
13 ‘ They 're all over us in the air , and we ca n't stop them on the ground .
14 1991 we had two trees with flashing lights , and a local family , whose children had written in to us about the trees , were invited to switch them on .
15 It is occasionally possible , just for brief moments , to find the words that will unlock the doors of all those many mansions inside the head and express something — perhaps not much , just something — of the crush of the information that presses in on us from the way a crow flies over and the way a man walks and the look of a street and from what we did one day a dozen years ago .
16 It was a vibrant time : the flowering of the sixties had lost some of its bloom , but the fruit was ripe and all around us in the protagonists of the new arts .
17 Sometimes , people can be evil , egoistic , destructive and aggressive , and think only of themselves as we know to our cost , and as we see all around us in the world , from time to time .
18 The Emma was just astern of us in the convoy and keepin' station fine , even though she was a coal-burner . ’
19 ‘ He was last year about now but Easter 's late , I had n't thought on , and he 'll not move down until Palm Sunday like as not , and if he 's still over on the mountain he 'll be up Three Valleys Pass and that 's an hour and a half of a walk for him , going as the crow flies , but longer for us in the jeep because there 's no direct road — and then to get at him we 'd have to take a cart track that 'll be more like a river bed after yesterday 's rain .
20 Suddenly I have twisted the gun out of his hand — but it flies away from us across the ground .
21 Only after that will he turn the remaining details of his zombi control over to us for the final phase on the island .
22 In the early days of the band , before John arrived , he 'd beaver away at us in the pub , making us think through our attitudes We ’ d be sitting there talking about music and he 'd dive in .
23 The so-called Higher Criticism had come late to Britain , and its consequences are still with us in the interpretation of stories of Virgin Birth and Resurrection .
24 At least Linfield are still above us in the championship race so you can keep on writing about them every day .
25 ‘ We have therefore suspended the Winchester Group as an appointed representative of the Norwich Union to take effect immediately and to continue until such time as they hear further from us to the contrary .
26 So there it lay , 300 miles to the north , utterly cut off from us by the hurricanes which — according to the local weather men — were raging back and forth nearby .
27 The snipers , who fired directly on us despite the presence of an army officer , appeared determined to drive out a team which had come to investigate rumours of a massacre of Muslim women and children by Serbs .
28 It had been hammered home to us during the previous winter .
29 This was vividly brought home to us during the filming of Supersense .
30 He speaks directly to us in the first person and he expresses something very like fear and even self-pity , the distress of the poet , seeing himself as a kind of natural victim , and it may be the distress of the puritan living on after the Restoration and afraid of the wild route , which is Charles the Second 's court , though I think we can be a little sceptical of this and we certainly do n't know with sufficiently accuracy when Paradise Lost was written .
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