Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] its [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The document called the JNA " a cowardly army , fighting for no recognizable principle but largely , instinctively for its own status and survival " .
2 On the other hand , it might be said that in criminal law a company can authorise transactions only for its own benefit .
3 ‘ The party must fight for its new image , not only for its own members , but also in front of the whole nation . ’
4 On the other hand , where there is commitment , it is often only for its own sake , and conviction has been replaced by passionate intensity .
5 ‘ Freedom of establishment shall include the right to take up and pursue activities as self-employed persons and to set up and manage undertakings , in particular companies or firms within the meaning of the second paragraph of article 58 , under the conditions laid down for its own nationals by the law of the country where such establishment is effected , subject to the provisions of the chapter relating to capital . ’
6 ‘ the right to take up and pursue activities as self-employed persons … under the conditions laid down for its own nationals by the law of the country where such establishment is effected …
7 It almost goes without saying that in contemporary society a certain amount of money is an important human requirement , not necessarily for its own sake ( though that may also be the case ) , but because it is the wherewithal for other requirements .
8 But there is no virtue at all in clinging as some do to tradition merely for its own sake .
9 The boat rocked gently of its own accord .
10 The lift went down of its own accord .
11 He could feel his head moving up and down of its own accord .
12 What is more , each time the market leader unveiled a new processor , the Japanese competition went one better with its own machines .
13 Keld gives the impression of a place apart , unaffected by the happenings of the world outside ; an insular community , sturdily independent and concerned only with its own affairs .
14 Could Somerset House become London 's Louvre — perhaps with its own version of Pei 's pyramid in the centre of the courtyard ?
15 In particular it wanted to ensure that British nuclear thinking , planning , targeting and developments as a whole evolved along lines which were compatible with and were harnessed as far as possible to fit in with its own requirements .
16 A Dogs are naturally social animals and it is very important that from birth every puppy learns how to fit in with its own family and other animals it lives with .
17 It 's an object-oriented , Object Management Group Common Object Request Broker Architecture-compliant application integration scheme DEC already has running on Hewlett-Packard Co , and IBM Corp machines along with its own Alpha RISC .
18 The commission sent the report to the Scottish Secretary , Ian Lang , along with its own findings in July last year .
19 Rather sooner than expected , Digital Equipment Corp duly announced yesterday that its first second source for the Alpha AXP RISC microprocessor would be Mitsubishi Electric Corp , which will manufacture and sell DEC-designed versions of the Alpha AXP chips along with its own designs based on the Alpha AXP architecture from next year .
20 William Troy in the Nation was similarly unable to find the right words to explain the greatness of It Happened One Night and he suggested that ‘ a good photoplay , like a good book or a good piece of music , remains always something of a miracle ’ and that ‘ beyond a certain point the mind is forced to bow down before its own inability to unravel and put together again all the parts of the shining and imponderable whole with which it is dealing ’ .
21 The Board has met the deficit entirely from its own resources and has had to budget , as I 've said , a continuing deficit into the current financial year .
22 Only a few species inhabit both polar regions ; each region has recruited almost entirely from its own hemisphere .
23 An organism works as an entire unit , and its genes can be said to have effects on the whole organism , even though each copy of any one gene exerts its immediate effects only within its own cell .
24 In each of these forms , the Word is the Word insofar and only insofar as God really expresses and communicates himself through it ; and the special task of Christian dogmatics is to refer the present proclamation of Jesus Christ back to its original ground in God himself in order to clear away distortions and misrepresentations so that the Word itself can be heard afresh in its own integrity .
25 And the little one will lose heart and its life will drift away if it 's cut off for too long from its own animal world . ’
26 In aggregate , substantial gross flows occurred between all zones , although an inflow to an individual ring was not necessarily from its own core or outer ring .
27 The Gater Committee on Film Production Costs , which reported in October 1949 , was in no doubt that the film industry had brought its latest crisis down upon its own head , through creating ‘ a general atmosphere of extravagance and unreality , leading to a disregard of expense which would not be tolerated in other forms of business . ’
28 The individual sounds of other species may not be so readily recognized purely from instinct , though it seems highly likely that the unborn infant , while still in the mother 's womb , especially in its latter days , would be able to hear such external sounds and be aware of its mother 's response .
29 Each point was ‘ nudged ’ randomly within its own grid square , so that the overall clustering was retained but any alignments destroyed .
30 This is because the usual practice would be for the investment manager to deal only in its own name account client .
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