Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [adv] [subord] i " in BNC.

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1 I 'm all right for now because I 've got no more washing .
2 I really thought I could n't bear not to at least understand what he was going through , but by that time my opinion was totally irrelevant — not wanted — added to which , I 'm not easy to get along with anyway because I 'm not a ‘ yes-man ’ .
3 I had not done so before merely because I had not thought of them in this context ; I had supposed that you might prefer to be at some slight remove from the nefarious influences of the department …
4 And the Bishop married me there and the vicar and er quite a lot of people had come there from all over like because I was being marrying in the Welsh church you see , I did n't have a lot of And the Bishop married me , that was something for them to come .
5 all sorts of things which are available which if I just brushed up on so at least if I went to an interview I 'd be able to talk about
6 So I said well you know , I ca n't just wind it up over the next six months , I said er what I wan na do I said is erm I got ta carry it on for that transit for that Orion till I finished anyway so it 's got ta go another year so I said well what I 'm feeling about doing I said is er just sort of keeping a finger in the pie I said , he said , if I 'd said tomorrow , if I had finished the whole the tomorrow I 've got ta buy a car I can buy it finance so I 'm gon na get no tax relief on the H P I get no depreciation no nothing like that I said so at least if I still self employed I can if I have the sort of two or three vehicles or whatever three , four , five vehicles but I said at least I can have some erm and I can then sort of they would be more utilised , where as I said at the moment we got more vehicles than we really need to keep full capacity so he said yeah , yeah fair enough then .
7 Brenda 's away until tomorrow so I was alone in the flat .
8 Yeah , but he 's not in today so I ca n't give it to him .
9 No , just to tonight because I came .
10 But I wo n't be off for long because I 've to follow Marcus . ’
11 It had signs up for both so I never could work out which it was .
12 Take it to the nearest station and get the Hell out of here before I change my mind about carting you .
13 Get out of here before I lose my rag . ’
14 It could be argued that on occasions I 've taken on things which probably I have n't done as well out of financially as I might have done if I 'd done something else .
15 " We 'll have to get her out of there before I can do anything , Mr Stokill . "
16 I missed the end of that , I I hope it 'll come back on again cos I enjoyed it .
17 Well Laura and Gemma wanted to make these pasties and she 'd asked me at the weekend and I did n't have the time because I think Irene came down cos I asked Irene whether she 'd looked after , you know I 'm at college until three , and she said yeah I 'll pick them up and er I could n't get her out at then so I promised she could make them so , I said alright you and Gemma make them , anyway they did very well they made them in about fifteen minutes because we had to go and get Emily at four from school , I said hurry up , hurry up put the water in Emily quick stick them together shove them now and put them in the oven
18 As far at least as I was concerned , it did so with due cause .
19 When Bill and Kevin and I looked at how we could cope with appraisal in our division , the numbers did n't work out as badly at least as I thought they were going to originally .
20 No it were Monday when in here cos I was oh I were , Gavin were wanting some toast with jam on and I 'd only got a little bit like that , I says oh you 'll have to wait while your Aunty Margaret brings some more tomorrow .
21 Now I suggest you two go and sit quietly over there while I examine him . ’
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