Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [noun sg] [noun pl] from " in BNC.

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1 She watched it keenly through opera glasses from the third row of the empty stalls , and I do n't know how the poor actress carried on under the circumstances .
2 Martinho and I were separated , then put back to back at about twenty metres , very much like pistol duellists from the old time .
3 The then Transport Minister , Benoît Bouchard , ended speculation by announcing on Oct. 4 , 1989 , a 50 per cent cut in Via Rail services from Jan. 15 , 1990 .
4 Grandfathers and coal-hewing cousins , brothers and the front row of Neath , Homeric schoolteachers and sopranos whose voices had a bell in every tooth made their entrance on to the Oxford stage , mixed in with chorus girls from Cardiff , waterfront villains from Liverpool and the twenty-two-carat glitz of the West End , where he had opened in The Druid 's Rest in January 1944 with fires in the sky at night , bombs falling from the Luftwaffe and pubs and clubs burning excitement under the blackout .
5 The Darlington committee and its Teesdale counterpart , which raised £20,000 in a year , were thanked along with event organisers from Hummersknott School , Darlington College of Technology and other individuals and groups .
6 A group of councillors , along with council officials from North Down , recently met with representatives from the Board to discuss the move .
7 A most noticeable achievement was that of 812 Squadron ( Glory ) which , together with Sea Furies from 804 , carried out 4,834 missions during the two year Korean war .
8 It is a good idea , for example , to gather together representatives of your immediate trade or industrial publications , together with specialist writers from the national media , at a briefing lunch on the forthcoming year .
9 HCIMA has a seat on the Governing Board , as a founding member , together with industry representatives from the International Hotel Association ( IHA ) , the EC trade Association group HOTREC and from hotel schools representing the three levels of qualification banding : craft , supervisory and management .
10 It was intended initially to use statistics reflecting the frequency of occurrence of letter combinations , together with letter probabilities from the pattern recogniser .
11 Nevertheless , he was not prepared to take chances , so he checked and rechecked the security of the box and the store-room below in case vandals from a nearby village might be intending to pay him an unwelcome visit .
12 ‘ Slices of pizza in boxes , hot and ready to eat , would go down really well here with all the people that come in at lunch times from the colleges and offices around . ’
13 The previous articles included in this publication all explain the variations on the stock bottle size which are possible and discuss the taking of medicine directly as teaspoon doses from the stock bottle or the further dilution by use of glasses .
14 Our IS900-PCR results are broadly consistent with the results of a recent study in which IS900-PCR was used to detect M paratuberculosis directly in DNA extracts from full thickness samples of human gut wall obtained from 103 people living in southern England .
15 It is easy to spend more on taxi fares from airports than your airpass cost .
16 damage caused directly by pressure waves from aircraft and other aerial devices travelling at sonic or supersonic speeds
17 damage caused directly by pressure waves from aircraft and other aerial devices travelling at sonic or supersonic speeds .
18 Damage caused directly by pressure waves from aircraft and other aerial devices travelling at sonic or supersonic speeds .
19 Damage caused directly by pressure waves from aircraft and other aerial devices travelling at sonic or supersonic speeds .
20 Damage caused directly by pressure waves from aircraft and other aerial devices travelling at sonic or supersonic speeds .
21 Flame control : good — a large control knob ‘ clicks ’ positively through flame levels from full blast to low summer .
22 We provide a top quality catering service for employees using the restaurant , which is also used extensively for VIP functions from other Total locations and from France , who expect high standard of food and service .
23 One technique involves the picking up of spread cells from the surface of a saline or sucrose solution onto a slide and is generally used for spermatocyte spreading when an abundance of cells is available in suspension .
24 From the twelfth dynasty one may cite a necklace or girdle made up of electrum cowries ( Plate C ) with beads of lapis lazuli , carnelian , amethyst and electrum , said to have come from Thebes , or again one made up of gold cowries from Dashur , linked with the mother-goddess Hathor .
25 This means a punter can follow the price movements himself , or obtain up to date prices from his stockbroker .
26 After the Elizabethan conquest there had been the usual influx of people wanting land , but the landlords of the traditional type had been supplemented by London-based land-holding companies and also by peasant emigrants from Scotland .
27 We did not look specifically at extracontractual referrals and the extent to which payment for these was refused by purchasing authorities , but there is no evidence from our results that the contracting system affected out of district referrals from this group of practices to any great extent .
28 Vol. 1 by the same author deals mainly with branch lines from Cleobury Mortimer , Ludlow , Woofferton , Kington and the Craven Arms-Wellington branch .
29 As a result , the majority of transitional payments recipients will gain overall in cash terms from next April 's uprating .
30 Amnesty claimed that many children had died of torture , carried out to extract confessions from opposition detainees , and that many had " disappeared " .
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