Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [verb] on [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We will consider these questions below before moving on to controls in sections 4.3 and 4.4 .
2 Nationally , few MPs think that they will gain much from chuntering on about the drains … but I just wonder if they are not wrong .
3 In any large , structured company , some people are better motivators and better at getting on with the work force than others .
4 ‘ Well , ’ she continued , engrossed in her story , ‘ he brought the house down by flying on to the stage like a whirlwind and sweeping Mother off her feet ! ’
5 He told the French people that Algeria cost France too much and was not worth holding on to .
6 That 's fine , but you now know this will happen , and you know how to do it — just by carrying on with this Inch Loss Plan diet and the Maintenance Exercise Programme which will have the effect of continually improving your shape .
7 The next time lesbians and gays are involved in any attempt to effect major change , we will be better served not by fitting on to the agenda of others , but by organizing independently and making alliances with other groups seeking progressive , structural , social changes .
8 Her parents were always telling her off for going on about things being boring .
9 Moments later Di dropped Wills off before heading on to London .
10 Trainees should obtain nine points or more before moving on to Goal 4 .
11 The court heard that Nichol then drove her home before going on to another girlfriend , Leoni Hogg , whom he had previously lived with .
12 I waved aside her gratitude , being much more keenly preoccupied by the difficulty I was having in making myself stand upright without hanging on to something .
13 If the current yield on the CTD bond exceeds the money market interest rate , the bond will be delivered on the last business day of the month , because the short earns more by holding on to the bond than by delivering it and investing the proceeds in the money market ; otherwise the bond will be delivered on the first business day of the month .
14 But it , it was so varied that you went through the , the cities and the highland scenes where they went through the highlands and in the country and then you ended up with coming on to a crossroads in a modern , a futuristic city , where if you look down you , the pavements were elevated and you walked down to where all the models of General Motors were displayed as if they were crossing roads .
15 Our very limited resources are all tied up in getting on with the work .
16 Do you think it 's really worth going on with this idea ? "
17 And the thing about Fingers was always black now with holding on to the thingummy and then putting in drifts , and hammering , your fingers was get er drift was always on a in a a pan a wee pan with oil in it , drift was always full of oil and you stuck it in the hole .
18 It should perhaps be pointed out before going on to the next set of examples to be discussed that most of the uses found with have admit of only one of the two interpretations given above .
19 Geoffrey was trying to drag him back by holding on to his overcoat .
20 I got back to Durham today after staying on in Leeds to watch the Villa match !
21 Just past South Cadbury is Cadbury Castle and you can take a diversion here before going on to Sutton Montis and Queel Camel .
22 How about moving on to something else , shoes for instance . ’
23 It just so happens that Paul had to make his visit there before going on to be decapitated somewhere else .
24 The days were truly apocalyptic ; sadly , many of the commentators and reviewers , the would-be art leaders , were merely apoplectic ; not least in fastening on to his overt sexuality , their criticisms of him shielding their own neuroses .
25 And manager Joe Kinnear last night reported that John Fashanu was in agony after pulling his hamstring again after coming on as a substitute even though he was ‘ only about 10 per cent fit . ’
26 But instead of getting on with the revolution , which Lowe believed was Wilson 's historic duty , Harold had immediately ‘ sold out ’ to the capitalists by adopting right-wing policies approved by NATO and the International Monetary Fund .
27 In school , George was described as ‘ aggressive … he wanders about instead of getting on with his work … he wo n't conform … he 's like his brother … generally he disturbs other children .
28 Instead of getting on with the business of making toilet water , he spent his time on the racecourse and worse .
29 kept checking up on people 's like erm capabilities as well instead of getting on with his own job he kept checking up on their them all as well .
30 Apparently it belongs to this boy Svend because it was he who suggested they go to Copenhagen instead of staying on in Roskilde when the pop festival ended . ’
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