Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [adj] [prep] those " in BNC.

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1 Thin enough for one of those refugee camps .
2 I look good enough for one of those men 's magazines .
3 The place was open late and he was able to glance in through one of those cheap glittery curtains that screened the doorway from the street .
4 So , all in all , only about three-quarters of those who changed their minds with additional information can be said to have genuinely interpreted that information , and made a rational choice .
5 By contrast , only about one-third of those recently buying on credit gave reasons which could be regarded as positively favourable .
6 I do n't think I 'll be going in for one of those prolonged periods of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or whatever it 's called .
7 But if , and most of are I 'm sure that we 've come today with some thorn in our flesh somewhere , some worry , some difficulty or a disappointment perhaps of some kind , then just remember that in all things God works together for good with those who love him , and for that rejoice and give thanks , and again I say , rejoice .
8 We can certainly take this point : on David Frost 's programme the right hon. and learned Member for Monklands , East did not have a thought in his head about the phasing in of any of those changes .
9 And that last whore he had killed had looked very much like one of those from Petersburg .
10 Her stepfather , who had been there since he left home , drinking coffee and mineral water and reading the papers , turned his chair slightly , so that she would not be able to see his face , supposing that one adult male back would look much like another to those of Camille 's generation : his wife , he thought , would have recognized him from any angle .
11 The power supply goes in too , the whole thing in its case , and is stuck down with one of those double sided pads .
12 I 'd go along with most of those .
13 There , I tore off my apron and sat down in one of those ridiculously soft chairs you always find in such places .
14 Hope gazed intently on its red wings , black spots , a large butterfly , he thought , and a very easy life too , bumping gently along from one of those mauve flowers to another .
15 Now again if you take a good look round the retired people in town there is , you just sit down on one of those benches in town and watch people for a bit , and you 'll see that a lot of them are deteriorating physically and that is making them , making it difficult for them to get about socially , shopping- wise and so on .
16 job to get out the house for a little while and she usually gets granny up , cos granny have to come down on one of those chairs .
17 it 's all I said no it 's not I said I paid me first er payment I said wrote it down on one of those papers
18 ‘ Dad Weir used to smoke a pipe , and so when we were in Swansea we went along to one of those hairdresser and tobacconist shops , and there in the window was this great big pipe .
19 Imagine a craft slipping in to one of those in excess of Mach 5 and it would fold up like a paper dart in a wind-tunnel .
20 Er er but then we 'll have more sessions booked in , we can just slot you in to one of those I should think .
21 Inevitably the national selectors are able only to select from those players who have achieved at least county level .
22 I want to call in at one of those hotels to check something .
23 The Russians were helped through the fleeing southwards of many of those who might have obstructed them .
24 ‘ It 's just like one of those avenues you sometimes see in Italy .
25 It is a connection not unlike some of those made in the fiction of both authors .
26 But in many parts of the world , and some of them not very far away from here , upheavals and agonies are going on , not unlike some of those experienced within the lifetime of the subject of tonight 's lecture .
27 Women were remarking on the window hangings — ‘ You could hang my whole downstairs with one of those red curtains , ’ said Mary McCulloch , ‘ and have a length left over for the beds . ’
28 ‘ You ca n't just run away from one of those things . ’
29 Gide at the end of his life remarked that Wilde only began to live after dark as it were , away from most of those who knew him ( So Be It , 27 ) .
30 They will not stop a single person who is not in one of those categories from being able to qualify for the single person household discount .
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