Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [noun] [coord] it " in BNC.

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1 In other words the generalist administrator calls upon the economists , the statisticians , etc. for information but it is the generalist who is ‘ on top ’ .
2 And it bounced and bounced and bounced and I thought it was going on for ages but it did n't .
3 Must of been on one of the other computers and er it went on for ages and it was you know it 's was irritating more than anything !
4 These have been taken down for conservation and it is hoped to replace them with copies .
5 Collimore Stone won it back brilliantly off Lewis but it came to nothing .
6 This is certainly so of memory and it is so of art .
7 Loks like granules , but add a pint or so of water and it swells , filling up a vase with solid squishiness and looking like crystal .
8 Erm in Plato talks about the , the weaving together of forms and it says erm er it 's it 's er through the weaving together of forms that reason arises in us and but then again this is the level of as well so I think that this is the , the origin of this notion that all the forms are in each , they 're all woven together somehow .
9 Apparently , I mean I 've read this , but I do n't know how there was actual references to it as well but apparently what they used to do run a test they used to do was they used to get people very very angry take some blood from them , put put them inside of rats and it would kill the rats .
10 The madness of hunger is indeed very much like rabies and it is truly a dog 's death .
11 Bishops Hall doing it nicely under Brad and it 's good to see him in the saddle today because he was offered the ride on Morley Street but he 'd already said yes and he 's a man of his word and he agreed to ride this horse .
12 Yeah , but Stanton on the Wolds is too small , we 're trying to link them in with Keyworth and it might well be he could do Tollerton as well .
13 The great asset of symbolic modelling is just this , learning does not have to depend entirely on practice and it is possible for collective knowledge to accumulate .
14 Doing things communicating with people verbally can mean a lot more now sometimes with a lot of bureaucracy you can get sucked in to putting everything down on paper but it does n't mean as much as it does when it 's face to face communication .
15 I like , before coming to a decision , to get the arguments down on paper and it seems to me if you ca n't then convince yourself or anybody else that what you propose is logically right , it does n't much matter what your gut 's doing .
16 So poems are elusive because you get the idea that actually working out your idea so it comes down on paper and it looks like a good poem and it says what you want to say and it does n't spoil the effect etcetera so you 've really captured your poem .
17 I insisted in my foreword that spiritual warfare was down to earth and it is no less than modernity where the battle is now raging .
18 They 've had , not just from Britain they 've had help , they 've had it from all over Europe and it 's still
19 Catalonia had possessed only a small section of a textile industry scattered all over Spain but it was round Barcelona that the cotton factory made its appearance .
20 Rose and Mary do n't come in till midday and it 's more than my life 's worth to go and ask them to come in early , and Feargal is in desperate need of some help ! ’
21 There 's one thing , best shot 's he played in that innings down at Hove and it was a short boundary , it was a good deal shorter , in fact this one we have here at Lord 's in this match , is a six over cover off good old Lester Piggott who was steaming downhill there at Hove all arms and legs and eased him over for six .
22 Instead of just getting twelve hours light twelve hours dark we get you know it might not get dark until eleven o'clock at night and it gets light at about four o'clock in the morning .
23 I on the other hand went on the stage entirely by design and it was no accident that after twenty-odd years , I found myself thinking more and more of my childhood heroine .
24 Er , now the the point I really want to refer to is erm just what role an auditor ought to play er in the er insurance and financial service industry in looking at particular firms , erm I have several interests which the honourable member for Edinburgh central knows about , er the one that I think is relevant er to tonight is that I am an elected member of the insurance brokers registration council and the way that erm the way that we regulate insurance brokers erm is laid down by statute but it does actually demonstrate the advantage , the benefit of erm of having a statutory requirement for audit and for er a proper oversight of what then follows in terms of the way that the regulator reacts to what the auditor may say .
25 Gemmell just kept in by Crosby and it comes again to Gemmell .
26 Ludovico called exuberantly for champagne but it was unobtainable , so he settled for a sweet fizzy wine instead .
27 The ship left there shortly after midnight but it was six and a half hours before the seamen were discovered missing .
28 It 's just like Gameboy but it 's longer and it 's got better games on it you know .
29 She sprang away from Finn and it was no longer a pretence — she stumbled over the knotted fringe of the rug .
30 You 're no the further we , you go away , the further you go away from Blackpool but it 's not at
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