Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] with the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 By this time I was becoming a little dissatisfied with the imprinting set-up that had become the stock in trade of my lab over the past few years , and I planned to try using an alternative form of learning in the chick .
2 We had to make a forced landing at Jever Luftwaffe Air Base just a few seconds in front of two Tornados on finals , making the runway a little slippy with the last few drops of oil leaking out of our crankcase .
3 The tendency for horizontal influence to extend into regions that are quite unaffected in the absence of stratification is loosely analogous with the same tendency in other types of stratified flow as discussed in Section 15.1 .
4 The kitchen was rather primitive with the wooden things painted red and a red and white gingham curtain hanging , cafe-style , across the lower half of the window .
5 Those X-rays , that had taken so long to photograph , that lengthy session when I had got so friendly with the big machine , had so far resulted in nothing .
6 And it would have been entirely possible with the right companion .
7 And why do they look entirely unfamiliar with the musical instruments they lovingly pluck at every night ?
8 Indeed , far from being merely analogous with the Neolithic situation , we have an exact historical recapitulation because , as we saw , the primal mother , lost on earth , phantasied in heaven , soon achieved a genuine reincarnation in the welfare state divine monarchies , where absolute monarchs tempered their tyranny with protection and sustenance of their citizens through their monopolization of the economic surplus and the means of coercive power .
9 Brewed by Courage , its name stems from the fact that it was once exported to Russia where it was so popular with the Czarist court that it was brewed under licence in Estonia until the 1917 revolution .
10 And their performance was so popular with the watching crowd that there were calls for the return of the stocks .
11 Harry junior said : ‘ I knew the ex-pats here would buy it but I never dreamed it would be so popular with the Chinese .
12 The wages structure has proved extremely rigid with the lowest decile of the distribution being at around two-thirds of the median wage , as Table 3.19 shows .
13 Such dressings-down of the local bosses were naturally popular with the ordinary people and for a while at least they helped to foster the paternalist image of the General-Secretary .
14 This stresses , once more , the need to be extremely careful with the basic definitions used in this apparently simple form of analysis , and to ensure that one 's policy deductions are consistent with one 's definitions and assumptions .
15 Because each side is personally unfamiliar with the other there is a tendency for stereotypes to emerge and for behaviour to take place on the basis of these stereotypes , making relationships even more difficult .
16 Dr Greenaway was therefore not only a very distinguished President but he and his wife Marion , who predeceased him in 1981 , were extremely popular with the deaf community .
17 Robyn is rather less generous with the next supplicant , a young man who broke his ankle falling off his motorbike on New Year 's Eve , but even the least deserving candidate gets a few days ' respite , for Robyn tends to identify with the students against the system that assesses them , even though she is herself part of the system .
18 He used to come round to the house , a few years ago , before he took up so much with the Labour Party . "
19 In the most recent case , the court was concerned not so much with the deliberate communication of confidential information but rather with the danger posed by the " chance remark " or the " inadvertent " risk of leaking the information .
20 Akram and Waqar have turned existing comprehension upside-down in that they are less dangerous with the new ball than with the old .
21 Only one of those five Councils is Labour controlled , the other four are Conservative , or indeed one of them 's Independent because the West Oxfordshire Councillors left the Tory Party because they were so disgusted with the Tory Government 's housing policy .
22 The significance of this is that there is a huge body of Conservative opinion in the country , not just Westminster , which is so disgusted with the ungentlemanly way in which the Toff 's Party behaved towards the lady that they will abstain .
23 Organiser Tony Hoffman was naturally delighted with the final outcome of the Embassy year .
24 Mistletoe flowers appear to mimic nutritionally rich fruits , the fruits of the previous season being more or less contemporary with the new flowers .
25 Mr Mitterrand appears so delighted with the ultra-courteous Edouard Balladur , that some Socialists wonder whether he has at last found the prime minister of his dreams .
26 Radiocarbon , particularly once the need to calibrate was accepted , has shown that the development of Stonehenge lasted several centuries with Mycenae being only contemporary with the final phase ; thus the independent invention of megalithic monuments had to be accepted .
27 This hypothesis can not be convincingly proven on current evidence , but if accepted , it would suggest an early ribbon development with short side-streets and lanes , perhaps extending c. 700 m ( 2300 ft ) either side of the main north-south road junction , followed by a mid to late second-century remodelling of the region to the west , perhaps contemporary with the new defences .
28 The UN will provide legitimacy for what are little more than acts of international piracy and entirely consistent with the new world order strategy of ‘ destroy and abandon ’ .
29 But it is the family 's version which the texts privileges and recounts in full detail , for this view of events is entirely consistent with the cultural assumptions of an isolated rural people and , indeed , is regarded as more credible than wonders of modern technology , such as the cinema .
30 ‘ … in general , the pressures on the Labour Party from the institutional environment towards the increasing bureaucratisation and centralisation of decision-making , the employment of and dependence on , specialists and the emphasis on professional administration , have been entirely consistent with the basic orientation of party activists in the middle class areas ’ ( Hindess , 1971 , p. 140 ) .
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