Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] for [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I would be most grateful for any assistance offered .
2 I would be most grateful for any information you may have pertaining to the RLS centenary be it an update of your present events or any contacts you may know of .
3 If a teenager has been feeling acutely depressed for some time , then it may only take a trigger such as exams , to tip her over the edge ( suicide is the third most common cause of death among the under 25s , and the peak months are April to July ) .
4 I am again extremely grateful for that intervention .
5 It is quite breathtaking , for instance , that her sympathies are so strong for another girl whom she sees as literally killing herself with exercise , yet she does n't really extend her sympathies or concern towards herself .
6 The station honorary secretary , Captain Graham Sommerfield , commented ‘ We are so grateful for this kind donation …
7 but she just suddenly went , you and she grabbed hold of this lad , and dragged , she did n't hit him or anything , you know , but I just , oh I thought oh god , you know , I felt so sorry for this kid like , dragged him out to the back , you were talking were n't you ?
8 Two crews that would have been especially grateful for this kind of compensation were Dennis Arlett and Patricial Lagesse whose accumulated woes would not let them pass Gao while , even more heart-rending was the final submission of the chassis previously held together by Jean-Christophe Savzey and Claire de Valbray — an agonizing 50km from the finish .
9 Society must be very mixed up when so many terminally ill people want to die but are denied the chance while others think it is morally wrong for this child to be born .
10 He added that in today 's difficult economic climate it was so encouraging to see a local company expanding its facilities and particularly for production of the newest type of dried pet food which has made life so much easier for all cat and dog owners .
11 So much for that idea , ’ she said .
12 Anyway , so much for that Assignment sheet I 'll give this to all of you , because I would n't , I do n't want to be unfair .
13 Well so much for that trainer !
14 Such reflections do not , of course , address an even more fundamental question — should old spouses , or those otherwise related , of either sex , have to do so much for each other ?
15 By 1872 the amount owed to the Trustees was £944 4 10d , and no amount of financial juggling — such as paying the staff a small fixed stipend plus so much for each pupil — could apparently work .
16 I do n't think it was just the change of publisher that did so much for this author , but her works have become more powerful .
17 The introduction of Performance Related Pay would be extremely dangerous for any member of the Association .
18 In deference to custom , there was a party in the child 's honour , central to which was a dish of peas , which symbolises the lessening of grief to those who have been in sorrow — never far from the Jewish consciousness , and of particular relevance to this family ; a copy of the scriptures was placed in the child 's hands , along with a pen — how especially appropriate for this child ! — which will have been followed by the usual Talmudic discussions in which , no doubt , Lyon and Solomon will have capped each other 's comments .
19 It is not nearly so intriguing for this writer as is the closed book of Vincent 's intimate life in this unlikely household , with a woman who allowed him to clean her up , who tended and fed her like a mother , rocked the cradle of her newborn baby , and shared his food and his room with her .
20 She had not made them learn a definition of a sentence , which would be entirely inappropriate for this age group , nor did she ask them to complete meaningless exercises .
21 It is far better and essentially less embarrassing for such education to be given at school than within the family , even if it could be certain that parents would give it or that their children would listen .
22 Their degree of preference for one party Over others had an important influence upon the usefulness-ratings they gave the media for helping them decide how to Vote ( those with clear preferences found the media less useful for that purpose ) but had little or no influence on other aspects of usefulness-ratings .
23 Blue cheeses are used quite extensively in Italian cooking and Gorgonzola is much better for this purpose than the slightly sweeter Dolcelatte .
24 See the dockers then all got together and they said right so many men for that job , so many for that job and that did n't matter who they were , they had to their job , all the way round the dock .
25 I 'd like to know why it 's taken so long for this union to work again er , with the regulations in public services .
26 This publication would be especially useful for any student nurses ( and also trained nurses ) who are finding difficulty in relating psychology to their practice of nursing .
27 Play was end to end in the first half , but catching Bicester cold after a player had been down injured for some time , Wantage took the lead on thirty five minutes , when Andy Cooper brilliantly volleyed home a touch on from Jamie Alexander for a one nil half time lead .
28 Sager [ 1981 ] has identified a number of sublanguages that are sufficiently regular for this technique , and provides a methodology for the reliable identification of their constituent semantic classes .
29 Whilst most of the maincrop varieties of potatoes are suitable for baking , Maris Piper , King Edward , Désirée and Cara are especially good for this purpose .
30 Such things are extremely useful for that purpose , and for Attainment Target 2 in National Curriculum history .
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