Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] of [det] day " in BNC.

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1 ( 2 ) The proceedings to be taken on each of those days shall be as shown in the second column , and shall be brought to a conclusion at the time specified in the third column , of the following Table —
2 Though snow is observed falling on 47 days a year at Stornoway , it is lying ( at 0900 hrs ) on only 11 of these days ( 5 in the Uists ) .
3 They could make an interesting international team together one of these days .
4 We 've got to sit down one of these days
5 Perhaps we can meet and talk about it all one of these days .
6 The local stewards , appointed by the Jockey Club , suspended the jockey , Colin Hawkins , for six days — from 14-19 February — for misuse of the whip but as there is racing in the north on only two of those days , Hawkins feels he has not been harshly treated .
7 When you get home , you say , I 'm just sick of this day , I 'm going to bed .
8 Just one of those days .
9 ‘ It 's just one of those days . ’
10 Yes , it was just one of those days when Belmont 's name was on the cup right from the off .
11 It was just one of those days , ’ he said .
12 They get to work , it started off one of these days did n't it so the lift 's out of order and they work on the top floor , so they 've now got to run up all those stairs , the energy is being used up .
13 Well , his book , his beautiful , shocking book , was published at last , and being bought by every kid in the States , so the balloon was bound to go up one of these days .
14 ‘ You 'll blow up one of these days , you greedy old bitch , ’ said the Dean affectionately .
15 ‘ You 're gon na burn yourself out one of these days , Perry , ’ says Crilly .
16 So , whatever Mr Jones has up his sleeve , he 'll let it slide out one of these days and it wo n't make the slightest difference to me . ’
17 But I 'll be back one of these days , and we 'll have a slap-up meal together ( N0T on the old X's , I promise ! )
18 Forty or fifty a day , three gallons of beer , drop dead one of these days — "
19 Well one of these days .
20 And the same thing , that if a major client like the Health and Safety Executive said to me , Ricky we 're running a regional training week in the last week of November , and we want you for three days , you know , I , I do n't say to them well look you know , well two of those days are catch up days , I ca n't possibly do it , why do n't you move your whole regional training week to next week ?
21 Of course , being in the army , he may get posted abroad one of these days and I do n't know if I want to leave London — it 's such jolly good fun now I 'm out .
22 Maybe DEC president Ken Olsen has finally found his ultimate successor in Bill Gates , and maybe one of these days Billy will just whip out his personal checkbook and buy DEC outright .
23 ‘ You 're young — fresh — very much of this day and age .
24 Since time is something I do n't have too much of these days I look for other solutions like hats , turbans , scarves or wigs and pieces .
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