Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] and [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The group seems to have been given only the most broad and general of aims .
2 Example 107 gives a melody from a solo piece in the free twelve-note manner , rather florid and virtuoso in style : Note the rhythmic irregularity and lack of classical rhythmic shapes .
3 And besides , ’ he added in a mocking drawl , ‘ you seemed remarkably grateful and content in my arms last night ! ’
4 to say that erm erm they are saying that erm she 's most funny and things like that and she 's got great depth .
5 The past is still a foreign country , but we have been shown round it by the most genial and expert of guides .
6 For later generations , however , the chances of getting work on leaving school were much lower and access to higher education and housing has also changed .
7 Declaring it a dangerous precedent , they sought letters patent assuring them that it would not be so used and letters of indemnity for not following the king overseas on campaign .
8 Lord Gardiner said that they were secret , illegal , not morally justifiable and alien to the traditions of what he believed still to be the greatest democracy in the world .
9 In an area like Cambridgeshire , courtship habits remained highly ritualised and infraction of the informal norms brought social disapproval and public shaming even into the present century .
10 There was a substantial body of opinion which would support the view that , whatever convictions were held on the merits , it would be inopportune to introduce this experiment in the unsettled conditions following a major war , when the number of violent crimes was abnormally high and respect for the sanctity of human life had inevitably been impaired by the circumstances of war .
11 ‘ You did n't look worried — you were so calm and kind to her .
12 Emma is only three and lives in Shropshire .
13 Yet even as these studies were being published , major enquiries into child care scandals , such as those on the deaths of Jasmine Beckford , ( London Borough of Brent , 1985 ) , Tyra Henry , ( London Borough of Lambeth , 1987 ) and Kimberley Carlile ( London Borough of Greenwich , 1987 ) continued to criticize social workers for not being sufficiently quick and firm in their interventions to protect children .
14 Entirely self-educated and cockney in speech , Williams ( rather like Blake in an earlier generation of London mystics ) had an almost matter-of-fact awareness of the other world .
15 Amazing how someone can appear to be so confident and clear-headed on the outside , while — Moira is an excellent nurse , quite capable of hiding her real self when she needs to .
16 Maureen was torn between her longing to hug Terry and gaze her fill on the young brother who had been lost to them for so long and pity for Frank who had no family to welcome him home .
17 He was obviously so happy and content in himself and his vocation that he had no real worry about being himself — even in the pulpit .
18 One is not prepared , however , for the discovery that Milner , so realist and clear-sighted about South Africa , was himself at the very same time an illusionist on a world scale .
19 It felt so good tucked there , so snug and firm under his armpit like it was a part of him .
20 Franklin had once written a letter to Sir Ralph which the Member thought highly offensive and relations between them had since remained frigid .
21 And er what they found was that the media sensitive managers were much more likely to be regarded as highly successful and sensitivity in selection of media by relating the medium to the message would seem to relate quite closely to erm y'know high performance as a manager Let's have a look at
22 He had always seemed so stuffy and plain in his dress .
23 Nobody had ever seen the Manager look so pale and tetchy as the morning after .
24 But Mr Bacon said the issue was much wider and standards of management of all planning applications needed to be improved .
25 Although apparently punctilious and conservative in manner and dress , he had a shrewd business appreciation of practical detail and people 's tastes in leisure activities .
26 After much fretting and threats of legal action , the RFU had little choice but to back down — and endorse a strip that is if anything , more garish than the last effort .
27 But Han was long dead and youth with it .
28 Soon the forest closed around her , so dense and dark in places that even as the new day broke she imagined herself still to be in a midnight realm .
29 Kaysone , also president of the LPRP , was replaced as Premier by Gen. Khamtay Siphandon , hitherto Vice-Premier and Minister of National Defence .
30 The most simple and primitive in contemporary use , these looms have changed little since their inception several millennia ago ; they consist of four wooden beams which are laid out flat and secured by pegs driven into the ground .
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