Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [adv prt] in the " in BNC.

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1 I think what 's happened the moon is is either set already or it 's so low down in the sky we ca n't see it because the buildings and things are in the way .
2 He subsequently er went to work at the Berlick in latter years and , and this man was just sweeping-up at the Berlick and I could n't believe it cos he was so high up in the technology in the war and he 'd be a dental mechanic and he 'd come down to just being a sweeper-up , and he used to show me the pay packets he 'd got in the war and you know it was fantastic money even , even by today 's standards this is going back fifteen years
3 I 'm literally wet through in the night , I was !
4 Well I did n't know anything about any none of us knew anything about anybody in those days , cos it was so early on in the , and we were n't , I was influenced more by people like blues er black blues singers , American blues singers like Muddy and Lightning , all those old blues , , er they were the heroes for me that I grew up with playing skiffle and and then Lonnie became my first Lonnie became by first hero and I er modelled a lot of my early singing on Lonnie .
5 , by the time I get my Best is so late on in the , in the sort of time , see I wo n't get that one until Sunday .
6 Also , Bourdieu 's presuppositions make it seem as if a rational way forward is more or less ruled out in the political field .
7 Already 2-0 down in the three-match series , England will go into today 's clash with just two frontline seamers after axing their fastest bowler , Devon Malcolm .
8 Entries are flowing in — a limit of 2000 has been set — but Malcolm Barham , of the race organisers , says things generally hot up in the last few days before the closing date , which is April 10 .
9 Despite this , receptionists are usually low down in the formal organisational structure .
10 The music mix was more offensive out in the open .
11 His own mother was always first up in the mornings , to see husband and son off to work or college , and continued the habit almost till the day she died .
12 Well it 's it 's it 's it 's much more expensive up in the you know the Hanley one ?
13 what , what I wondered was if you can take some bleach down , I think there 's probably some down in the loo downstairs , and at least put some of that into , can you do that ?
14 I assume Keegan and Francis are also well up in the betting .
15 The procedure to be followed in disputed actions ( whether default or fixed date actions ) is now set out in the automatic directions contained in Ord 17 , r 11(3) — ( 12 ) , subject to any further directions , given by the court ( Ord 17 , r 11(2) and ( 3 ) ) .
16 Masur beat compatriot Jaime Morgan 3–6 4–6 6–3 6–4 7–5 after being two sets down and then 5–0 down in the final set .
17 No he was , he was but he was quite high up in the Royal Australian Air Force and having today which must have been in the middle of the night because Thursday , bit behind are n't they Australian 's ?
18 Things were relatively quiet down in the car park .
19 The famous Irish roar echoed around the Cotswold Hills as Montelado shot clear two out in the Trafalgar House Supreme Novices ' Hurdle , winning by 12 lengths from the Pipe-trained Lemon 's Mill .
20 Calcavecchia was again first out in the afternoon and he gave poor Meshiai no respite , scoring 66 to a 73 .
21 Development technician Dave said : ‘ At the moment the proposals are very much up in the air but we are hoping to plan mixed weekend trips which both groups would enjoy . ’
22 It 's very much up in the air about the continuation of these classes .
23 The land-based multi-warhead er missiles is a real issue that has to be tackled , er and they may either go for , this is very much up in the air , go for er distinct cuts in er Start one , or they may talk about limitations and then go for a Start two treaty .
24 Under the Enquiry Rule Procedures we actually are required to submit a statement that was placed very early on in the process and indeed the work by it to see that a safe and greater .
25 I think Shrewsbury have done very very well , they conceded a goal very early on in the game and they could have gone to pieces but they gathered themselves together , got back in the game with a goal from and they 've done themselves proud so far .
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