Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [subord] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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31 Ben Johnson improved in four years from being a skinny undersized 15-year-old to running the 100 metres in 10.25 and becoming one of the world 's leading juniors — on nothing more exceptional than plenty of food , regular training and competitive instinct .
32 However , nothing can be crueller and more oppressive than one without love .
33 Because the different zones of the sea are so interlinked — many creatures making use of several in the course of their lives — the ocean environment is far more vulnerable than it at first appears .
34 They talked freely together about everything , about her sad life , her worries , her bad health , about how foul the world was , and it was more illuminating than plenty of conversations he had had with educated folk .
35 Furthermore , even if a surplus of wool was produced , there was perhaps more hope of selling it to the developing cloth industry than of disposing of grain which was not required , as a demand for clothing can be more flexible than one for food when men have additional purchasing power ( 59 ; 62 ) .
36 The young private threw up on the spot — somehow that unblemished body was more disturbing than one with an obvious cause of death .
37 Not only is she pretty ; she has a reputation for being more of a Socialist than her husband and far more level-headed than he about the trappings of prime ministerial power .
38 ‘ It 's Love ’ , for example , glides on harmonies huger and more beautiful than anything on Brian Wilson 's comeback album .
39 ‘ It 's Love ’ , for example , glides on harmonies huger and more beautiful than anything on Brian Wilson 's comeback album .
40 The most consummate Kapellmeister could not be more profound than he in the science of harmony and of modulations …
41 Here and elsewhere we have been more committed than he in the interests of clarity of exposition .
42 If I were Mrs Douglas and had put up with years of a philandering , self-important husband I think I might consider I was more deserving than him of the luxury away-from-it-all fortnight 's vacation .
43 This made the plight of the refugees more desperate than anyone in London could imagine .
44 Few more unfortunate poets can be imagined than W.H. Davies , yet there was no one more cheerful than he as an old man .
45 Toby appeared at my elbow in very quick time — nobody was more expert than him at getting served quickly in a crowded bar — with an extra-large glass of Scotch and a mineral water for me , my habitual drink when I was working .
46 " The Moslem Brothers , who are more anxious than anyone for the stability of Egypt and the welfare of its citizens adhere to legal means in their preaching and the defence of their right to undertake activities to realise their goals , " he said .
47 Another item I picked up some time ago from across the Atlantic was the information that the British 7′¼″ gauge was only found on the Great Eastern , a piece of information that I 'm sure Vic Smith will agree to be even more surprising than anything in his talk !
48 Although Angel One had been trained in kendo , the ancient art of Japanese swordsmanship , as part of his overall mastery of martial arts , he knew from having witnessed his opponent in action , that the man was more skilled than he with the katana .
49 The markings about its eyes made it savage , wolf-like , but it was only a fox , more discomposed than she at the meeting .
50 Reading a rightwing paper never had any significant effect on this aspect of Thatcher 's image and only a small effect on Kinnock 's image in the Pre-Campaign Wave , though its influence grew steadily thereafter : in the first fortnight of the campaign press bias was a little more influential than anything except partisanship and in the second fortnight it was far more influential than anything except partisanship ( Table 8.6 ) .
51 Reading a rightwing paper never had any significant effect on this aspect of Thatcher 's image and only a small effect on Kinnock 's image in the Pre-Campaign Wave , though its influence grew steadily thereafter : in the first fortnight of the campaign press bias was a little more influential than anything except partisanship and in the second fortnight it was far more influential than anything except partisanship ( Table 8.6 ) .
52 no one was more surprised than me to be
53 It has Charles in it , whose plight is more touching than anything in the nineteenth-century retrospects of Chatterton .
54 Autism is also unusual in that the children will often possess special skills which can falsely suggest that they are considerably more intelligent than they in fact are .
55 Some opponents said later that since none of the houses managed a two-thirds majority , prospects for success in 1991 were thin .
56 On one side of Moorlake was another house , a little smaller than itself with bay windows and the sign " Antiques " hung over its yellow-painted door .
57 Turkey , the enemy , lost rather more than anyone with a grand slam of 86,692 .
58 His pantomime became most articulate when we at last reached the two vast geological features which mark the gateway to Torajaland .
59 As Philip Gibbs , correspondent for the London Daily Telegraph who was present at the battles as an observer , wrote : ‘ The suffering of all the German troops , huddled together in exposed places , must be as hideous as anything in the agony of mankind , slashed to bits by storms of shells and urged forward to counter-attacks which they know will be their death . ’
60 Adopters may receive little warning of an imminent placement , and may have as little as one to two days notice .
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