Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [vb past] not [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Paul Lewis , the colliery manager in charge of the rescue , said : ‘ I would rather this had not happened .
2 Luckily this did not take place . ’
3 At first Grainne thought it was that power was stealing over them , and then she thought that it was not power but strength , only that did not seem quite right either .
4 Some of the patients samples showed extremely high sICAM-1 concentrations with up to 1.700 ng/ml while only few did not differ from the control group .
5 Apparently this did not produce the desired reaction from Stanley , so Wyatt went on 17th December to see Scott who , with a disarming naïveté , immediately agreed to a proposal from Wyatt that he should take him on as an equal partner and relinquish half the work to him .
6 Obviously this did not happen according to plan .
7 Out of one hundred and twenty-two horses , only three had not learned to ask for food within seven days .
8 But it seems sad that so many did not have a more enjoyable sexual introduction , especially when for a few it had been the one and only time .
9 They were in their early thirties , so 1 did not feel too out of place from the point of view of age , and at first no one took any notice of me , as if they thought I was just another mature student .
10 ‘ He is wealthy and he does n't eat better than us and his father works in his garden ’ was a comment tinged with admiration , but dominated nonetheless by the thought that a man so obsessed did not lead the full life .
11 The fact that he seemed a little simple did not escape their notice but they felt such affection for him that no one ever teased him .
12 Numerous Soviet proposals for regional disarmament or nuclear-free zones were advanced in the late 1950s and 1960s , although generally these did not envisage the formal neutralisation of the regions concerned .
13 He was so cool now , so calm , and the fact that she was feeling utterly wretched did not bother him a bit .
14 Simple renal cysts were defined as one or a few cysts of 0.2 cm in diameter or more that did not result from adult polycystic disease , medullary cystic disease , or pyelogenic cysts .
15 For protection against bad debts , less than half the firms in the survey operated the sales ledger on secured terms and nearly two-thirds did not use credit insurance .
16 Clearly all did not agree with the way the matter was handled .
17 Kraal had long ago warned Creggan that autumn was Slorne 's worst time but so far this had not proved so .
18 The Majors were forced to endure a 2½-hour drive to the Canadian capital but even that did not go smoothly .
19 Even that did not stop Pugh getting quizzical looks from the referee who asked about his age , so I told him that he was not the Pugh named as sub in the programme but the club mascot .
20 And even that did not make for encouraging listening .
21 Mother poured hair dye round the hoof ; even that did not act sufficiently as a lubricant to set the poor beast free .
22 She wanted to cry and even that did not seem worth the effort .
23 ‘ It makes you look like a sheep , ’ she observed coldly , but even this seemed not to offend him .
24 After the death of Chilperic and the revolt of Gundovald in 584 , Guntram recognized his nephew as being fit to rule in his own name , but even this did not ensure consistently good relations between the two kings , not least because of differences of opinion over control of certain cities , and because of the ramifications of the Gundovald affair .
25 Even this did not fulfill the demand , and there are now much better forgeries , which even include the 78rpm versions .
26 It was not that the mines were not producing for between 1564–1570 metal to the value of £31,167 was sold , but even this did not cover the operating costs .
27 Even this did not make Donald crane his neck forward and start retching all over the table .
28 The Keeper of the Shrine of Asuryan plucked out his eyes but even this did not stop the terrible visions .
29 Even this did not satisfy the Queen .
30 Even this did not include the whole of the area because the Tyneside suburban areas in Blyth Valley and Castle Morpeth , particularly Cramlington and the very wealthy suburb of Ponteland , were left under Northumberland County so as to maintain the viability of that Shire .
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