Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [adv] [coord] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It 's all looking much healthier now but time is still a major factor .
2 This ai n't my first rodeo , I 've done all this before and do n't see why Friday should be any different . ’
3 So I rung them again and said it was dangerous and they came out more or less straight away and did the few holes at the top .
4 Any interaction between chains in the crystal lattice will help to hold the structure together more firmly and raise the melting temperature .
5 The Notice welcomed co-operation between small and medium-sized enterprises where such co-operation enabled them to work together more rationally and increase their competitiveness on a larger market .
6 ( In fact , Curtis Bernhardt , the director of A Stolen Life , claims that both characters were not only on-screen simultaneously but passed each other and interacted without the use of a double , except in a few over-the-shoulder shots ; unfortunately he had forgotten when interviewed how this was done .
7 He was less talkative now and settled down to work quietly , only occasionally asking her a question about what he was doing .
8 Present it to Walter Raleigh , Sitting Bull , Napoleon , Julius Caesar or even the man on the Athens omnibus circa 100 BC and explain to him that this is not the work of God or the Devil but a few clever chaps in a place and time they 've never heard of .
9 Upon taking up his new post , he discovered that the bearings were not strong enough and put great strains upon the axles which broke regularly .
10 that we all vote just this once and get rid of it out of our hands into the place where it belongs the House of Commons .
11 It was young men now , older than herself ; she liked them tough and full of talent ; she was not ambitious directly but found that life with the obscure is less interesting .
12 ‘ Mother is very ill , ’ her sister said seriously , ‘ and father is not well either and says a man of such noble family should n't have to work .
13 ‘ I have heard him criticising his players as not good enough and trying to rationalise their situation to dampen expectations back home .
14 We reported a couple of years back that just as leading US companies like IBM Corp and Hewlett-Packard Co were adopting Total Quality Management with messianic zeal , the Japanese had decided that it was not good enough and had moved on to Zero-Defects Management , and the Financial Times ' Observer column offers an example of just why : it has a release that flags ‘ the first major conference on Total Quality Management for Pension Finds ’ .
15 Sebastian grinned , just twenty-three then and enjoying to the full the way his mother fussed and worried herself silly over him .
16 There is very little waste paper and no plastic , for foodstuffs are not pre-packaged here but sold from a farmer 's barrow or the back of a bike .
17 I 'm not thirty yet and look at my grey hair !
18 He confesses that , although he was outstanding at school ( he was usually top academically and became Assistant Head Boy — ‘ power without privilege ’ he says ) , the young Bill was always anxious about examinations and aware of the pressure to succeed .
19 Most are seen on autumn passage , with a marked peak in September , but spring reports have become more numerous recently and have included several April records .
20 It will grow in any medium , rapidly branching profusely and producing a dense bush .
21 They are nearly contiguous proximally and separated distally .
22 Phoebe was now wide awake again and irritated with herself .
23 Please try and be really strong tonight and do n't cheat at all .
24 Yeah see you see , hold on Patrick would you , erm go round Carl 's house tomorrow about eight o'clock and ask Carl if he wants to swap his for one of my freedom dragon 's la land ?
25 ‘ Eldorado is substantially different now but to get people to admit that is an uphill struggle .
26 Friday night I wash the carpets — I start about 10 p.m. and finish about midnight .
27 There were racetrack express buses , I found , going from the city to the Downs , so I went on one at about six o'clock and strolled around at ground level looking for some way of conveying to Bill Baudelaire the water samples which were now individually wrapped inside the nondescript plastic carrier .
28 It is characteristic of him that he transmitted to us a document which gave the number of the soldiers in the Roman army about 225 B.C. and added the number of the men of military age but not under arms : the document distinguished between Roman citizens and allies , and gave specific figures for the main groups of allies ( 2.23–4 ) .
29 The theatre was built in about 80 B.C. and accommodated 1200 .
30 My mum got home from work about 10.30 p.m. and asked if I was all right , but I told her that I thought it was a false alarm .
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