Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [pers pn] must [be] " in BNC.

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1 How much worse it must be for those who have n't been as fortunate as I in recovering from such trauma .
2 A ball sliced or hooked will be exaggerated by the wind , so if you are generally inaccurate you must be aware of this .
3 I know only too well how desperately anxious you must be .
4 And the greater the State the more inescapable was monarchy and the more powerful it must be .
5 Uranium comes in two isotopes , U and U. It is U that releases energy ; but 99.28% of natural uranium is U. For this natural uranium to be made more potent it must be enriched in U , which means sorting through the uranium and discarding some of the U. A little enrichment — to a U content of 2–6% — is good enough for most reactors , though some can work with unenriched uranium and some research reactors use highly enriched uranium .
6 Since reform was now unavoidable it must be made certain that Ireland would be included under the redistribution clauses and that the House of Lords should be restored to entrench resistance to Labour .
7 In traffic terms however , these streets are quiet , safe and free from excessive through travel and aggressive driving ; as such they must be judged a great improvement on what went before .
8 How painful it must be , mademoiselle , to be constantly right . ’
9 How brave they must be . ’
10 Constanza is handling it lightly , but I know how shaken she must be by losing the ring .
11 Imagine how sad it must be , if you want babies and ca n't have them . ’
12 How the more distinguished men must have gnashed their teeth at the trivial basis upon which great decisions are made — but how delighted they must be today not to be branded with the title of court architect !
13 Smiling at her over people 's shoulders while she could not move because someone was telling her at length how much she must be missing her mother .
14 I know how tired she must be after the journey .
15 How terrible it must be for her to attend this service for Mrs Wright whose baby had survived and while the Padre was speaking the Collector accompanied his words with a silent , sympathetic prayer for Mrs Bennett : " O God , whose ways are hidden and thy works most wonderful , who makest nothing in vain , and lovest all that thou hast made , Comfort this thy servant whose heart is sore smitten and oppressed … " but the rest of the prayer was no longer in his mind , stolen no doubt by the foxes of despair that continued to raid his beliefs … in any case , it faded into a mournful reverie in which he sought an explanation for the death of Mrs Bennett 's child .
16 We keep ourselves to ourselves , Joan and I. There was a frightful nosy American in the summer who just turned up out of the blue and told us how honoured we must be , having the old bat 's relics up here .
17 How useful it must be , she thought , to have all this information on tap .
18 How happy you must be , Mr Heathcliff , ’ I began , ‘ in this quiet place , with your wife and — ’
19 ‘ I kept thinking today how lucky I was , you see , how blessedly fortunate , with all I have , all that is so comfortable , all that makes me so — so much happier than I was , and then this evening I went to the Rectory and when I returned I was in my room and I looked out at the darkness and I thought of you and how lonely you must be after all the company and society you have known just recently and I thought — I thought — ’
20 Slightly bemused , she realised that the businesslike urgency appeared to be entirely on her side , in spite of the earlier impression that he knew how busy she must be , that he had no wish to waste any of her valuable time …
21 I can imagine how desperate she must be feeling .
22 Every parent knows how desperate it must be to lose their child . ’
23 I know how difficult it must be .
24 Oh how wonderful it must be to be an indie musician !
25 How wonderful it must be to be a great artist like Mr Beaumont or a musician like Mr Fergus or even a teacher like half the church .
26 How wonderful it must be to live in a community where everyone trusts their neighbours and even strangers ; a community where you can invite outsiders into your house , garden or car , and share hospitality and friendship without any fear of danger .
27 I used to wonder just what the kestrel was looking at , what it was thinking , and I 'd imagine how wonderful it must be to be suspended in mid-air , looking down on the Earth as it was .
28 I vaguely remember dreaming about Verity 's jeans that night ; how graphically , geographically tight they were and how wonderful it must be to take them off her .
29 And Mrs Rogers came up to me and said how wonderful it must be to have a husband who takes an interest in his family ; her Dan does n't know he 's got a family and cares less .
30 How wonderful it must be never to doubt yourself ! ’ she jeered and turned her back on him , fixing her hair into a loose plait with hands that held a faint tremble .
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